In the Beginning

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Hello! Now that you know you can historically trust the Bible and give it a chance, we can finally find out whether God is real or not. The only place we can go to know anything about God is the Bible, obviously the only book in the world that contains God's words, and is known as God's love letter to humanity. Let's take a look at what the Bible says right at the beginning of Genesis 1:1..

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.. (NKJV)

What do you think we need for all things around us to exist?

We need time, space, and matter

Notice how the first words in the Bible is not "Once upon a time" but "In the beginning"
This is because it didn't randomly happen at any point during existence, but at the very beginning of creation - it's also not a fantasy story.

In order for anything to exist physically, there must be time, space, and matter, and that's exactly what God have done

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In order for anything to exist physically, there must be time, space, and matter, and that's exactly what God have done.

Okay but what caused it? Is it really God?

Think about it this way, we can't make a grain of sand out of nothing. So something coming from absolute nothing is illogical, which goes against the law of cause and effect, which is a universal law (like the law of gravity) specifically states that every single action in the universe produces a reaction no matter what. Every single effect within our world, upon our earth has a cause - having an original starting point. Even the big bang had to have a beginner. Including singularity had to have a first cause. Some speculates that there was something before the big bang occurred, so if there was something before nothing, what was that something before nothing? That would be God.

Didn't God came from nothing as well? That doesn't seem logical either

Well like I have previously said; we can't make a grain of sand out of nothing. So what seems more logical? A song that produced itself? Or an artist produced a song? How about a building that built itself? Or a builder that built a building? How about something more advanced; how about a computer putting itself together or a phone? Or did some engineer have made them?
You know very well that none of these things can produce themselves perfectly all on accident and coincidentally, so it means that there must be a creator for it. You don't have to see who made it but just by knowing something can't make itself is already a logical evidence that there's a creator behind it.

Hmm, okay then, how can you scientifically prove that?

Just take a look at nature, it's pretty complex. Look how organized and in order things are. We have seasons, charts and dates. The cycle of water and carbon, including all other cycles of life out there, as well as times, signs and every single detail that we don't notice.

Things are so in order that we can predict when the sun will rise and when it sets a year from now. The distance between the sun and earth is perfect enough to grow and ripen our fruits and vegetables. A bit far or close would disrupt everything. I mean take a look at ourselves!
Our brains are very complex too, as well as our DNA that contains so much information. Some people (including scientists) believe we come from very intelligent aliens because of our DNA and our advanced brain (you probably seen a documentary or two about this)
Doesn't that tell you something that there's a genius behind it?

Here's a short story about a boy and a preacher...

This boy didn't believe in God, so he asked the preacher, "who created this world?"
The preacher answered, "God did"
Then the boy says "okay, have you met him?"
The preacher answers, "no, I have not"
The boy chuckles, "then he's not real"
The preacher fell silent for a moment, until he pulls out his phone to show it to the young boy and asked, "Who built this?"
The boy answered, "Steve Jobs"
Then the preacher asked "Have you met him?"
The boy answered, "no, I have not"
The preacher gave a warm smile, "You see, you never met Steve Jobs, but you met his creation. It's the same with God; I never met Him, but I met His creation"

Think of a cake - it can't bake itself. The mere chances of it existing and making itself on its own coincidentally with a bunch of chemical reactions mixing in and somehow being in perfect shape in the end goes against all logic and reasoning - that is called having blind faith.

To me, everything I said here is already proof that God is real. But how about you? Do you believe that he is? I hope that this have blessed you :)

Hmm, I mean I would, if there wasn't any evil in this world, so He's not real

Whoa wait a minute! I-I can explain that in the next part so please hang in there!

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Whoa wait a minute! I-I can explain that in the next part so please hang in there!

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