Who is God?

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Now that you made it this far into the book, this isn't a matter if God's real anymore, but who he claims to be. Who is Jesus? Who is God and why should we care about Him?

Picture a dog - a random dog. You can study a dog of how strong their sense of smell is, and test how far they can hear, and the frequencies they're able to pick up. You can measure a dog's height and weight, to see how heavy or light they are. You can study the dog's anatomies and parts of the body, you can examine the state of their health and study their behavior and reactions. You can find out the time they give birth and how long they'll live. All these things you can record and conduct scientifically.

But lets say that this dog has a name, and has an owner. Does science know the dog more than it's owner?

In the health side yes, but not relationship wise. Science can't answer things like love or other feelings and personality. The bond between man and dog can't be measured, nor weigh the owner's heart to see how much he loves his dog. So the question really comes down to this; who is the dog?

Here's one that I'll use as an example.

Here's one that I'll use as an example

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This is Rex, and He loves cheese.

He sleeps on his back a lot. He loves to play in the pool when it's hot. He is energetic and loves to chase birds, and is very social with all other dogs. He always sleeps in bed and never wants to get off. He is very friendly especially with children that he can play with. He is nice and have never bitten anyone. He's always up for fun and cuddles, especially on movie nights! He is a dog that you can have as a buddy - just make sure you have some cheese.

All this info that I have just shared is an example that science don't always have an answer to all the questions in life when it comes to the who's and why's

Who's God then? Can you describe Him?

Every laughter, every joy, every happiness, every likes, every love and every good thing you have ever experienced in your life - that He is. He is the life - the very thing you breathe. The beauty and awe in creation and the vast universe. The soothing music and peaceful views, the light that hits your face and illuminates everything. He is like a fresh water after a hot day, the sudden burst of joy and your favorite flavors and seasons - is all Him.

I don't understand.

What I said are all good, and God have revealed himself through it, and He is that. He is good. How do you not get it by now?

If there is no God, there is no good, and if there was no good, there is no God. We would not even know what it means. It would not even exist without Him, because He is the good in all...

Imagine having a friend that never lied, that would never let you down, always on your side and always warns you when something is wrong. Someone who understands you better than anyone and loves you more than anyone will ever love you. A friend that will never leave you nor ever forget about you and sticks closer than a brother. A friend that will be there to cheer you up and be there to laugh with you. Who is interested in all that you're interested in and never gets tired of listening to you all day and night. One that never talks bad behind your back and that you can surely trust with all your heart - that kind of friend He is.

No, and more than that.

If He is good, then He hates what is evil. Why? Because Good demands justice, correction and rights. It is good for a judge to put away a criminal, and to stand for the weak. It is good that evil is dealt with and put to its end. It is good to hate evil, so it makes sense that God hates that which is evil. He does not even delight in it, and neither does he delight when any one of us partake in wrong doing, which is sin.

God has every right to judge all, because He is all good, and He must do what is right according by His nature.

He is the Great I Am.

This is the same God that can see all our flaws and imperfections, our darkest sides that we show to no one, yet, chose to volunteer and die in our place, who took our sin to the cross so that we may be made right with Him. He took the full blow when it should have been the world to begin with. He had the chance to not send his son at all, that would have been the right thing to do, but, God is love, and loved the world this way.

If anyone disagrees, then let the cross of Christ speak for itself. It reveals who He is, and He's coming again to make all things right. That's a promise He made to the world and will one day be completed. You can be a part of this unfailing promise. But, who is God to you?

How do you see Him? Is He a close friend, or a distant stranger? He is near to those who desire to know Him, who wants to seek the truth and nothing but the truth. He is alive and working, desiring people like you to come near to Him.

So come near, just as you are.
He's waiting 🤍

Watch this 11 minute video that contains all that the Bible says who God is.

Have a blessed day✨

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