Forced Religion

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Christianity is such a forced religion. People like them preach the gospel down people's throats and expects us to convert. What makes them think they can change others?

I already told you in the homosexuality chapter, that our goal is not to change anyone, but simply preach the gospel in love. I also stated that it's more loving to warn others of the coming danger than to say nothing at all. The change is completely up to any individual.

Then why preach the gospel?

Let me share a short story

There once was a young man, who's job was to deliver newspapers around town. He started his job a few days ago, and so far he likes it because people would thank him.

But one day, the paper boy hands over a rolled up newspaper to a man, and the man got very angry, raising his voice at the poor boy.

"I don't like today's news! Take it back, you're  a terrible paper boy!"

The boy was very confused as to why the man got angry with him.

"What are you getting mad at me for? I'm sorry if you don't like today's news, but I'm not the one who wrote it. The news is not going to give what you want to hear, I'm just a delivery boy so why are shooting the messenger?!" The boy said, biking away, leaving the bitter man at the door as he crumpled the newspaper away.

Christians are the paper boys while the town is the world, and the angry man are the ones who hates and rejects the message of the gospel. Us christians are just obeying what Jesus have commanded us to do, assigning a job that he wrote in his own words.

Mark 16:15; And he said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation... (ESV)

Jesus assured his followers that there will be people who will listen to them, but when they do, it's not entirely the followers that they're listening.

Luke 10:16; "Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me" (NIV)

If anyone is a christian but does not practice this, then they're not truly practicing what they believe. It becomes a self contradiction to their faith.

Well isn't that still forced?

No, and I'll explain why. You see, there is a place that christians believe, it's called hell, and God said he desires for no one to perish but everyone to be saved. But how we save souls if no one preaches the message of salvation? That's why God sent Jesus' followers to spread the good news (aka; the gospel) to the world.

If you got today's news that a huge storm is coming on your way that'll destroy everything, would it be wise to listen or ignore it?

To listen

Is that good fear or bad fear talking?

Good fear

And is that forced?


You answered wisely. Not all fears are bad, sometimes it tells you to back up when you're at an edge of a cliff or pull your hand away when there's a porcupine!

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