A Broken World

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Well it's true! There's so much evil in this world and you expect me to believe in a God that's okay with it?

What you have said is understandable, and have stumped many (including myself) at some point too. Good thing you're not the only one, in fact I'm glad that you'r a being that knows about the good and evil in this world, because if you didn't know about it then you would never have said "there's evil in the world, therefore God is not real"

What are you talking about?

What I mean is you know that there's evil in this world apart from good. This obviously means that you have a God given moral. We all have a principle of right and wrong, a standard that all is responsible to keep as living human beings. Things like stealing, murdering and lying are just a few examples of immoral acts in our world. You know that these things are wrong, so you have morals that comes from God.

My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust?
— C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Who determines what is wrong? Who says what is right? In this case, mans moral is subjective in nature. This means that the concept of right and wrong had to come from somewhere else. If anyone says otherwise in their own understanding that they're good in nature, then they're living with their own values that no one can judge, which in all honesty have no reward whatsoever at the end of their lives if God doesn't exist.

If there's no sense of right and wrong, then people can make up their own law of right and wrong freely, doing whatever they please without punishment. This means we can define what's bad and what's good in our own eyes without an absolute law giver. We can choose which people to value and who to disvalue according to our own standards and not anyone else's. People may steal all they want, cheat all they want, lie all they want, manipulate whomever they want; without law, there is nothing stopping their unrighteous and ungodly acts.

In order for morality to be objective, it must be right or wrong regardless of human perception. Morality does not exist without human conciousness to perceive and interpret it. Human perception however is subjective because no individual can interpret another's perception. Otherwise anything can become permissible and our morals would be dependent on what society says, which is called subjective morality, which can change with time. We have morals that the world shares and are the same since day one, and it will never change in the future.

Okay I get it. But that doesn't clearly answer the question why God allows evil

Oh yeah, well even though God created everything beautiful, there is still something wrong here. Everywhere, we see diseases, tragedies, loss, injustice, wars, natural disasters, accidents, death, famine, hunger, wickedness, evil, catastrophes, and so much more. All this doesn't mean that God's word isn't true, nor does it mean that God doesn't exist. It actually proves all the more that sin is real and we see it everyday in our world. Think of it like having a phone with a cracked screen, or a simple cracked ceiling. A broken phone doesn't disprove the electrical engineer, nor does a broken house disprove the builder. It means that something went wrong.

What went wrong then?

Romans 5:12; When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam's sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned  (NLT)

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