An all loving God?

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So I wanna share something that been put in my heart that's going to be the last chapter of this book. It's kinda long but I hope you make it to the end because I promise it'll definitely open your eyes if God is truly all loving or not. Now in order to solve this, we must look at the things he loves and hates, which will reveal his character.

In proverbs 8:14, it says "to fear the LORD is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech" Then later on in the same chapter in proverbs 8:17, God says that "I loves those who loves me, and those who seek me find me"

Now a question comes to mind how an all loving God could hate someone as prideful and arrogant? Well God does have patience but the bible also says that God resists the proud in heart.

How is this an all loving God?
How could he create hell if he is all loving? If being gay or getting drunk is a sin, why does God punish me for it if he's so loving? These are just some of the questions that comes to mind for someone who doesn't know God, and it's devastating when that happens. It can lead to confusion and leave unanswered questions and self condemnation.

Now when someone says God is all loving, its important to ask and wonder what love means according to God. According to man, love is love. This is where many get it all mixed up and confused because accordingly to the bible, love is patient and kind, and it does not delight in evil. Did you catch that?

This reveals God's character and what love really means; love does not delight in evil, therefore if God says that certain things are a sin, its because its evil. It also says that love rejoices with the truth. This is because God does not love lies, so how can he? If someone loves lying, that means they are evil, and it goes against the character of God, because He is not a liar. He stands for the truth and nothing but the truth.

If you believe in God, yet at the same time believe that God is okay with your sin. I wanna tell you the truth that the god you claim to believe in does not love you then. You have whats called a teddy bear God, which is one who takes his grace fore granted and use that excuse as a free pass for sin. If someone were to give you a car license, it doesn't mean you pass the speed limit, nor does it mean you get to drive recklessly however you want. It means you have permission to drive but under such conditions.

This means God's love is not entirely unconditional, but conditional too.

"God is all loving" if thats what you claim to believe in, then you would know that love does not delight in evil and it rejoices with the truth. That means God does not delight in you when you delight in evil - because thats evil to him. God even said "do not have any other gods before me" so not only are you delighting in evil, but you're also violating his first of the ten commandments; you shall have no other gods before me.

You made a god thats okay with your sin without accountability, and thats not okay. I dont say this to hurt you nor take your fun away. God isnt against fun, he's against evil, there's a difference and a reason why he's against evil. It brings chaos, destruction, and in many ways death and brokenness and it profits nothing good.

Its not God really trying to punish you every time you sin either, but it's because actions have consequences. Logically bad behavior brings consequences, and don't blame that on God, blame that on yourself.

God is all loving for telling you that certain things are a sin.

Now, if that doesn't convince you or anyone that thats what makes him loving, then think of it this way; have you ever felt so frustrated, tired, and done with someone in your life that you just wanna give up on them? Okay, now imagine how God feels with you. That's right, God could honestly leave you in sin, not caring about the way you live your life at all. He can give up on all of us and just walk away and leave us in this floating rock we call earth.

Do you know how many times people have angered and have upset God throughout the bible? A LOT to number!

So why doesn't he quit? Why did he bother to send his son? He could have just quit on the world and not send his son at all. He could have thrown us away and not give us a spirit to begin with. He could have ignored us and forget about punishing the wicked. But why didn't he take that chance? What is it about us that he keeps the good and evil accountable? Why does he waste his time watching our every move, watching our intentions behind everything?

Well, the answer is simple.
It's because he loves us.

Thats why he created hell to punish those who are evil (which is originally meant for the devil and his angels) That's why he loves those who loves him because apart from him there is nothing good.

This is also why God hates pride and arrogance because it wants to define good and evil on its own terms. Imagine parents allowing their child to do anything they want and doesn't care what they do, and the moment someone else tells them what to do out of concern for the child's safety, they pout and say "you don't get to tell me what to do! Only I know whats best for me!" What does that tell you about the parents lack of parenting? Does that prove that they really love their child? No, they simply don't care.

Don't you know how relationships works?

You can't have a relationship with God if you're the one sitting at the throne of your heart. You can't have a relationship with an all loving God if you have a grudge against someone. You can't have a relationship with God if you delight in doing evil. That means being pro-choice, LGBT supporter, even getting drunk or gossiping!

You can try, but it won't work out.

In relationships, there must be an agreement between two people, because if everything is going to be about you, then when is it going to be about the one you love? It is said today that in order to make any relationship work, there must be an agreement. If there is no agreement, then it won't work out. So its the same with God.

You can't have a relationship with God if everything is going to be about you.

Take what I'm saying as a correction from a loving father. In proverbs, it says "to not be discouraged when you get corrected, for the father corrects those he loves". Like I've said before, if God doesn't correct you, then he does not love you. He's not a father who doesn't care and lets his child do anything he wants, he's a loving Father who wants whats best for his kids.

So, make that agreement today. Start your relationship by going to God for forgiveness, and get to know what he loves and what he hates. If you're convinced that he's all loving and you have a desire to change your sinful lifestyle, then thats repentance. Repentance means to change your mind and to turn away from your sins. Make sure that you trust Jesus entirely as your only salvation.

I know so many people who believes in God, yet does not know him nor follow him... don't be those people.

Be the person that God wants you to be instead. Trust me, he knows you better than anything and anyone on the face of the earth.

Ya know, theres a reason why he's called the God of jealousy. Its because he can do better than the god you have in your head. He can love you better than the god that you and your family traditionally worships. He's jealous because he's the one who made you and brought into the world, the one who loves you and actually cares about you. The one who wants you in His kingdom and be your one and only King forever; and thats a fact.

Thank you for making it to the last chapter of this book, it means a lot. But all to God, I hope that you use this book to continue and further learn about God, and may it inspire you to start something new. You may share whatever I put here, none of it is mine but of the Lord. It's been a blast writing this book.
God bless, and goodbye... Oh?

Whats this?

A letter?

Woah, I think its for you!

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