One; Happy Birthday to me

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One; Happy Birthday to me


It was the eve of my sixteenth birthday and to say that I was terrified would be an understatement; I was feeling nauseous with fear. Tomorrow is when I would discover my fate and now that it was time I wasn't sure if I wanted to know. For the past five years I have been ecstatic to know who my soulmate is but now the time is here I didn't want to know - I wanted to stay clueless.

I wasn't sure when the name would appear on my wrist, would it be the exact time that I was born, or would it be when I woke up, or later? 

I had so many questions; they were probably left unanswered if I was being honest. Staring up at the ceiling, I sigh. I wondered what would happen if Phil's name appeared on my wrist, would that mean my name would appear on his too? Obviously when he turned sixteen himself but it all seemed so exciting, Phil, the boy that i've been crushing on for years, would we end up being soulmates?

But then my thoughts darkened - they became torturous.

My mind drifted to what would happen if Phil didn't happen to be my soulmate; I would be crushed. I would honestly feel gutted but there wouldn't be much that I could do about it, fate had been decided - I just have to roll with it, no matter what the circumstances are.

I tossed and turned all night and when the clock struck 5:21am a name appeared on my wrist.

* * *

"Morning, Dan!" My mother chirped, she came into my room and sat down on my bed, a plate of jam and toast in her hands. "And happy birthday to you!"

"My baby boy is finally sixteen! Gosh i'm getting old - and so are you! Is that a grey hair?" I was going to start panicking but last minute noticed the smug smile on her face and I realised that she was joking. With a roll of my eyes and a witty remark I took the white, porcelain plate out of her hands and took a bite from the toast.

"Thanks mum." I smiled, I wasn't one to be happy or smile-y in the mornings but as it was my mum I couldn't start acting like the moody teenage boy that I am. It was impossible to act moody with my mum, she was just a ball of energy and happiness.

She nodded and once I had finished chewing the last bit of my toast she asked the question that I had been dreading: "So, who's name did you get?"

I was thankful that the name would appear on the inside of your wrist so my mum couldn't see. Looking down I tried to ignore the look of confusion from my mum. I hoped that my mum would leave it be but my mum is very persistent; she will get the truth from me.


Reluctantly I lifted my head up and my gaze met her own. She was frowning; eyebrows furrowed, a look of sincerity in her eyes. "P-Phil."

It was barely audible and I wasn't surprised when my mum asked me to repeat myself, I couldn't even hear myself! So instead of speaking, I shown her my wrist; the truth was too painful to speak out.

She gasped and let out an 'oh'. She was speechless; just like myself.

For years I had dreamt of my best friend's name appearing on my wrist when I turned sixteen and now that It had happened I wasn't sure what to do. How could I even face him in school?

Thankfully his soulmate hadn't been chosen yet so it wouldn't be so awkward but his birthday was only a week after mine. I debated if I should even show Phil and just wait until his birthday to tell him and hope that my name appeared on his wrist.

There had been cases where people had someone's name on their wrist but the other person was appointed to another. I just that didn't happen in mine and Phil's case. I would be devastated; the mere thought made me feel like an emotional wreck - like an ice burg about to sink into pools of water.

My mum engulfed me into a hug and gently stroked my hair, whilst pressing soft kisses on my temple. It soothed my anxiety but as soon as my mum had let go my anxiety came back at a crippling rate and once again I was drowning in a sea of what ifs.

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