Twenty Nine; Failure

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So I was thinking of doing a character ask, would you guys be up to that? Please comment and let me know.

Twenty Nine: Failure


 "Hey Phil, we didn't leave the cabin door open when we left, did we?" I turned around to ask Phil and noticed that, strangely he wasn't there. I could have sworn he was there a minute ago. Knowing Phil and his attention span he probably got distracted by a furry animal running through the forest.

When I turned back around I was shocked to find a scary looking man that towered over me. He grabbed me by my wrist, dragging me into the cabin. Phil was already stood with two burly men standing either side of him looking equally as scared as I did.

"What's going on?" I looked around at the men but they just held smirks on their faces, I turned to Phil who looked as clueless as I did. "Phil?"

"You will not talk to each other!" The guy that had dragged me into the cabin had snapped. I didn't get a good look of his face but he looked the strongest out of them all due to the tight grip he had on my wrist.

"Now, we are going to take you away somewhere where you two will receive the punishment you deserve for not listening to the rules, is that clear enough for you?"

"No!" Phil exclaimed. "No, please."

"No? Are you a simple lad? Don't you understand-" The guy that had caused most of my circulation in my wrist to cut off, asked.

"No- Do what ever you want to me, punish me as much as you want but not Dan. He didn't do anything, it was all me! I made him run away with me. It was all me, you have to believe me!" Phil pleaded.

My eyes widened at this. This was as my fault as it was his, why was he taking all the blame? I wanted to scream out, tell them that Phil was wrong, and argue my case but I couldn't.

* * *

I hated myself. I was such a let down, I was a let down of a son, a friend and now a boyfriend.

I could have helped, I could have stopped them, I could have saved Phil but I watched them as they beat him down to the ground. The sound of the men punching him and shoving him still rang through my ears. If I closed my eyes I could still see the dead look in his eyes.

After that, they dragged his unconscious body into a van that was parked not too far from the cabin and not shortly after, they knocked me out too. I knew it was a bad idea to leave the cabin. I knew it. Call it a gut feeling but I just had an inkling that we were going to get caught and I was right. The only good out of this was that I saw my friends and family and I suppose, Phil, for the last time.

The tears wouldn't stop streaming down my face as I thought about how much of a failure I was. My chest felt taught and my stomach felt sick. My mind was running at a hundred miles an hour. I looked at the stern man that was sat facing me in the interrogation room.

"You are Daniel Howell, correct?" I nodded. "Words." He demanded.


"And the boy you were with is Phillip Lester, correct?"


"You don't speak much do you, Daniel?"

I shook my head, "No."

"Well you better start talking soon, kid." The officer laughed although what he had said wasn't the least bit funny. Well, to me it wasn't but all the other officials in the room seemed to find it funny. "Now, are you aware that yours and this Phillip's relationship is illegal and you can and will suffer with serious consequences." The officer spat out the word 'relationship' with so much venom, almost as if it disgusted him so much.

I wanted to retaliate, say something witty and make the officer look stupid but my throat felt constricted and I just couldn't form any words. I felt trapped. Not just physically but mentally too.

"I understand."

"Are you sure?" He spoke to me in such a condescending tone that it made my blood boil. One thing I hated was being patronised and this is exactly what he was doing.

"Yes, I am sure."

"Good," He smirked. Once again, the two other officials in the room sniggered as if there was something funny going on.

"Now, Steve over here-" he stopped for a second to point at the guy that was looming in the doorway before he continued, "will show you to your room, before you go is there any questions you want to ask?"

"Can I see Phil?"

"You will never see Phillip again and the sooner you learn that, the better."

This is so terrible, I am so so so so sorry. I tried my best, I just haven't been feeling my best lately and my mood has completely reflected on my writing hence the long wait and terrible chapter. I tried to make it better but I think I made it worse. 

So as I said up there I was thinking of doing a character ask, would you guys be interested? Please comment and let me know, don't make me look like a loser and have no one comment. 

How are you all doing? Please talk to me I feel as though I have no friends lately and I want to get to know some of my awesome readers. 

God I am so sad. 

- Talia x  

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