Twenty Six; Venture To Freedom

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Twenty Six: Venture to Freedom


"Have you got everything?" Was the first thing out of Louise's mouth when I reached the top of the hill. I chuckled and shook my head at her, she was always mother hen. 

"Yes, I have everything." 

"And Phil, do you have everything?" He rolled his eyes but nodded, confirming that he had everything too. 

It was silent again, except for the owls calling out for their friends and the distant rumble of car engines as they drive home. I take a deep breath, and another and another. This is it. It's real and it is happening. 

Despite me being terrified of the concept of leaving everyone behind I am still excited to go on this journey with Phil, my true soulmate. Finally, I will be able to be with him freely and not have to hide it away from everyone. 

"I'll miss you both so much!" Louise was the first to break the eery yet comfortable silence. Even in the dark, midnight sky I could see the tears in her eyes. "If only it didn't have to be this way." 

Chris who had been quiet in all of this suddenly spoke up from the right of me. "Will you stop!? You're making me want to cry! But I can't cry because I'm a man!" He whined, finishing off his statement with a little growl to prove his manliness. 

(It didn't prove anything at all but it was funny to see Chris showing his softer side). 

We all laughed at Chris who was sniffling every so often and rubbing at his eyes, trying to wipe away the tears before they could roll down his face. 

"Aww, I'll miss you too Chrissy" I cooed, pinching his cheeks. He swatted my hands away to which we both laughed. 

"Fuck off." 

 * * * 

Carefully, I walked a little behind Phil. His hand was in mine and he dragged me along. I was a little wary at the fact that Phil was leading the way but he seemed to know the forest more than me so I had to trust him. Hopefully we didn't end up falling dow a cliff. After all, it was dark so anything could happen. In hindsight, we were finally able to be together and besides, the view was perfect- and I don't mean just Phil. 

I was always one to admire nature, I just loved how beautiful it was. I especially loved nature in Autumn when the leaves would turn a crisp brown, orange colour and the sound of crunching leaves under your feet was pure bliss. Nature was something so relaxing to me; so cathartic. 

The sound of the rushing stream could be heard as well as the snapping of twigs under our feet and the odd owl. The silence was peaceful, soothing almost yet it still had that eerie feel to it. I suppose that's what you get for walking in a forest so late at night. 

The moonlight and the flashlight of our phones was our only source of light as we trekked through the forest towards our amnesty; the cabin. 

"How much further?" My feet had started to ache and I was slowly becoming out of breath. 

Phil turned to look at me, stopping for a second to allow me to catch up to him. 

"Not long now," He said. "We should be there soon."

After a minute or two of standing still, the deafening silence was creeping me out too much. 

True to his word, we arrived at the cabin not long later. It was only about another five minutes on foot before we finally reached it but it was worth it. I just felt so liberated knowing that finally, we can breath. We can be ourselves. 

We can be in love

And that, was the best part of it all. 

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