Thirty; Phil

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This is it....

Chapter Thirty: Phil


The silence was deafening.

I looked around the room but I was only stared back at by plain, white walls. Despite white being a sign for purity and innocence and all things nice, at this moment in time it brought nothing but pain and torture. Well not the colour itself but what happened inside those walls.

I was unsure I had been in here, time had no significance to me after we were captured. The only thing that mattered to me was where was Phil. Was he in a white room too? Was he awaiting for someone to come and end this misery just like I was?

So many questions yet all that dominated my mind was: PhilPhilPhil.

Emotionally, I was tired. I was drained from it all. Drained from having to lie in this room to languish in the overwhelming thoughts and the fear of the unknown. I felt completely empty. I wondered maybe if it was the plain walls that was affecting my mood as well as the fact of what has happened in the past twelve hours.

Once again, my mind drifted to Phil- this had become normal, so I wasn't surprised anymore. Often, I would wonder what was happening to him. The last thing I saw was an unconscious and bloody Phil being carried out by them. The bastards.

To me, those were not people. They were inhumane, they were cruel and they disgusted me. They were dead to me. They made me stand and watch Phil be knocked to the ground before beating me to the ground too.

I just wish they hadn't hurt Phil; my Phil. He didn't deserve to be hurt at all, he was so sweet to everyone and he treated everyone kindly regardless of who they were. That's what I loved most about him. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to love him at all and this how we got in this mess in the first place.

I should have listened to Chris, he was right all along; taking down the Government was the best option in all of this. However, it was all a little too late now. This was our fate and we had to learn to accept it as there was no other way out of this.

The only door in this room swung open, revealing two men in a white Doctor's coat followed by a grumpy looking man in a suit. He must have been part of the capture. He was one of them. The two doctors - one had brown hair and the other was bald - walked to the cabinets that were to the eft of me, unlocking one of the drawers and pulling out a long, sharp needle.

The bald doctor who was holding the needle, turned to look at suit man, as if asking for the go-ahead to inject me with this unknown liquid. I felt my heart beat quicken, and my breaths became shallower. I tried to move but I couldn't, I was restrained. Despite my lack of free movement I managed to scoot away from the scary looking men.

I wanted to be somewhere far away, somewhere safe; the hills, preferably.

When seeing my state, the moody man shook his head before he strode out the room, only to return not long after with another person in a white coat in tow. This time it was a female. She seemed trustworthy as she looked very dainty yet she had some wrinkles after years of stress and living taking a toll on her.

This all went out the window when I noticed the needle in her hand. Baldie and the brunet doctor parted to let the woman pass. She reached out a hand and softly placed it on the top of my head, stroking my forehead just like a mother would to her child. It was soothing. Well, up until she put the injection near my neck.

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