Twenty Four; Little Talks

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Twenty Four: Little Talks


Whispers and stares. 

Nudges and Points. 

Judging eyes and silence. 

"Dan!" Someone shouts from behind me. I turn around to see Louise running towards me. When she reaches me she grabs my hands and pulls me away from everyone else's prying stares.

Louise takes to me to the back of the school where Chris and Phil are already stood. 

"What's going on?" I ask, looking straight at Phil who shrugs. He looks just as confused as I do. 

"They know." Chris says. 

Frowning, I look at him. "Who knows?"

"Everyone." His vagueness was starting to get on my nerves. 

Louise, exasperated tells us the story herself. "Since Chris isn't being very helpful," She sends a pointed look to the brunet boy. "The whole school basically knows about you and Phil. They saw a photo of you two kissing in the bathroom- classy, might I add." 

Panicked, I look to Phil. The same expression of overwhelming fear is present on his face. 

"What do we do know?" 

"I say we ditch and go to the hill and think out a plan." Chris proposes. 

"Sounds like a plan." Louise agreed, looking at both me and Phil for conformation. We both nod.

* * * 

I gently stroke Phil's hair as his head is lay across my lap. He's been very quiet ever since we found out the news about everyone finding about us. I had tried my best to comfort him but he just became a recluse to all of us. Saying that, he was being extra clingy towards me. As if he was afraid that he would lose me.  

The sky looked a little overcast but we still stayed where we are as we had no where else to go. Besides, this was our place and some clouds weren't going to get us to move. I look down at Phil to see that he has his eyes closed as my hand runs through his hair. I smile at how cute he is but then a flash blinds me. 

It was Chris. 

He had taken a picture of us. 

Phil's eyes open again as he notices my hand is no longer brushing his hair. He sits up slightly and notices Chris with his phone in his hand; a smirk on his face. 

"What? Don't look at me like that!" Chris exclaims. "You two are so adorable, I couldn't help myself- I just had to take a picture." 

I laugh and shake my head at his antics and so does Louise. Phil remains quiet. This worries me, he's been too quiet, he seems to be stuck in his thoughts. I want to know what is going on inside his head but I know with Louise and Chris around he wouldn't say anything. 

When the laughter dies down, the atmosphere around us falls quiet again. 

"I'm scared." A timid voice speaks up; it's Phil. We all turn to look at him. He has the corner of his lip rolled between his teeth, a thoughtful look on his face. I reach over and take his hand in mine, as if that will help keep his fears at bay. As if my touch will help him not be scared anymore. 

"Why are you scared?" I ask. 

Phil sighs. "It's just- I am just scared I will lose you Dan. And I don't want that. It isn't just that either, there is many other things that I am scared about: I am scared I won't see my family again, or you and Chris." he admits, looking at Louise and Chris who are sat opposite us with frowns etched on both of their faces. 

"You won't lose me, Phil. I will always, always be with you." I tell the scared boy, he's barely making eye contact with me but it is better than nothing. "And when i'm not: I will be there in spirit. There is no getting rid of me." Phil lets out a small laugh at this, which makes me smile. 

"And as far as your family and those two idiots over there," at this, they let out a shocked 'hey!' "They will still be with you. You won't lose us. Please don't be scared or worried, we will always be there for you." 

Phil shakes his head. "How can you be so sure?" 

"I can't" I say truthfully. "None of us can but that doesn't mean we can have hope." 

"As long as we are together, we will be fine. You don't need to worry." 

I really struggled to write this chapter despite me having it already planned out. 

Two more chapters until they leave for the cabin, do you guys have any ideas of what might happen? 

Other than Dan and Phil, what other youtubers do you watch?

I watch so many omg, the main ones are: Pewdiepie, Smosh, Oli White, Caspar Lee, Joe Sugg, Marcus Butler, Tanya Burr, Jim Chapman and Tyler Oakley. 

So I bought tickets to see All Time Low next year but because I have no friends who like the same music I do I have to take my mum who has no idea who All Time Low are. That is going to be fun lmao. 

I hope you are all okay! 

- Talia x 

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