Sixteen; Sex drugs and blowjobs?

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Chapter Sixteen: sex drugs and blowjobs?


Sighing, I look up at the house where Phil told me he would be at. Teenagers were throwing up on the grass which I grimaced at. I never did have a strong stomach. When I actually entered the house, things got much worse, there were people dry humping in the middle of the living room, plastic cups in their hands, the contents of said cups spilling out onto the light-coloured carpet. 

When the owners returned they wouldn't be very happy, that's for sure.

I had no idea where Phil could be, he just called me up, crying, telling me to come and pick him up. Of course, me being me, I decided to come and get him straight away. However, I wanted to know why he was here. Parties usually weren't Phil's scene, if anything he avoided them. My only conclusion was Ryan. 

And when I found Phil crying, alone in one of the bathrooms upstairs my conclusion was proven true when I finally got the answer of a drunken, sobbing mess that he was. 

When I first reached Phil, I wasn't sure what to do. I hated it when I was put in a situation when someone was crying, I never knew what to do or what to say. I felt awkward so a pat on the back would have to suffice from me. 

However, when I saw Phil the first thing I did was kneel on the floor with him and wrap my arms around him and pull him closer to me. It was like an instinct. So for the first few minutes I sat with Phil as he calmed down. I would whisper soothing words whilst I softly brushed at his hair with my fingertips. 

When I managed to get him outside of the house, that's when he told me. 

"It was Ryan." It had been quiet for a good few minutes as we basked in the silence and the cool night breeze so when he spoke up it made me jump. 

"What was?" 

"He took me to this party, he left me here too." Phil frowned. 

I bit my lip in order to contain the anger that was bubbling inside of me. "What the fuck?!? Why would he do that? You and him are -wrongly- soulmates, he should make sure you're safe and he should know that you hate parties! Why would he do that?"

Of course, it didn't work. 

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Phil flinch. "I'm sorry." 

"No," I sighed, stopping in my tracks making Phil stop too. "I'm the one that should be sorry. I'm sorry for shouting." 

"You know," Phil smirked at me. He took a step closer to me, I could feel his warm breath on my face. Usually I would push people away, I didn't like people this close to me but because it was Phil I let it slide. "You're hot when you are angry." 

Phil ran his index finger from my collar bones to just above my dick. My hips involuntarily jerked forward and I noticed Phil smirk at that so he did it again. Well, until I grabbed his wrist and made him stop. 

"Stop." I pleaded, all though I didn't want him to stop. Plus we were outside, people could catch us. 

"Why? I know you like it, Daniel. I can feel it." He whispered hotly into my ear. 

My legs felt like jelly. "C'mon, you're drunk, lets get you back to my house." 

"Ooh, and then we can have sex?" Phil looked at me, hope in his bright blue eyes, his previous upset long forgotten.


I wish. 

"Aw, why not?" Phil complained like a little child, stomping his right foot on the paved path as I struggled to drag him down the street. 

I sighed. "Because you're drunk, Phil." 

Phil pouted but got over it quickly as he began to bargain, once again. 

"Okay." He had said with a shrug of his shoulders. "We won't have sex... how about a blowjob instead?" 

I stopped in my tracks and turned to face Phil who held a innocent smile on his face. Oh, he wasn't innocent at all, he knew exactly what he was doing; he was succeeding too. 

"Phil, no." 

Phil rolled his eyes and tutted. How very melodramatic.

"I think you mean: daddy, yes!"

My hip dislocated today, lmao I am 16 years old what is going on. 

I am not sure what this was but lets roll with it okay. 

I can't believe we are on chapter sixteen already! Omg, I need to stop updating so much but I can't help it bc I love writing it. 

How are you all? 

If you don't mind me asking, where are you all from? I'm not a stalker I swear I just want to know where all my lovely readers are from :D

I'm from Manchester and I didn't know that Dan and Phil lived here until they moved to London kms. 

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