Twenty Three; Suspicions and Rumours

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Banana will be our always.

I love the Harries twins with all my heart and I apologise for making Jack a twat in this, it's just for the story. 

Twenty Three: Suspicions and Rumours.


Walking into school was an odd experience for me today. There was too much attention on me today and I didn't like it. When I would walk past many people stopped what they were doing to stop and look at me and then whisper to their friends. It only got worse when I reached Phil. 

I was used to people staring due to my obnoxiously tall self and limbs that seemed to trip over thin air. But this was different. People stopped and stared at me rather than just a simple glance. I felt suffocated under everyone's stares. My anxiety wasn't helping me either. 

"Phil, why is everyone staring?" My eyes watched every person's move. I kept my hands close to my chest as a sort of protection; protection from the prying eyes. 

With a frown on his face, Phil looked around at everyone who seemed to have now turned away knowing fully well we have noticed their watchful eyes on us. "I don't know, Dan. Let's go behind the school and tell Chris and Louise to meet us there." 

Nodding, I agreed to what Phil had suggested and followed a little behind him. I watched as Phil's hands swung by his sides as he walked ahead. Oh, I so desperately wanted to grab his hand and hold it in my own. That would definitely help with my overwhelming anxiety right now but it wouldn't stop with the looks and whispers- it would attract more. 

Were they onto us?

Did they know?

Oh God. I hoped not, I really did as this could be the end of me and Phil. 

How did they find out? 

Sure, there were times that I would give Phil heart eyes but I always tried to be discreet. Besides, they all seemed to buy me and Louise being together. 

Maybe I was just being paranoid but the pressure was getting to me. I don't know how much longer I could last. 

Once we were in the safety of the outdoors and behind the school, I let out a sight of relief. Making sure no one was around, I grabbed Phil's hands and held them in my own. 

"Do you think they know? About us?" I asked, my lip caught between my teeth. 

Phil let go of my hand, which I frowned at but then -with the back of his hand- he softly brushed against my cheek, which I leaned in to. I loved how soft he was being. 

"I don't know. But it doesn't matter if they do as we are leaving in a few days and we won't see them again. So let them think whatever they want because the most important thing is that we are together." 

* * *

At lunch, everything seemed to go downhill. It was strange really because we were all none the wiser about everyone else's abnormal behaviour. 

Well, until the Jack Harries walked over. 

"Hey guys! Oh, and Phil and guy I have never seen before. Mind If I sit?" Chris glared at Jack and to be honest I didn't blame him. Before any of us could answer, Jack had grabbed a chair from another table and pulled it over to ours and sat down on it. 

This was my first interaction with Jack and so far my impression of him wasn't good. It was a shame really because he was good looking, he just had this heavenly glow around him. Sadly, the same can't be said about his personality. 

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