Six; I love you but not really

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Six: I love you but not really


"I have my date with Jack tonight." Phil's smile was so wide would have made me want to melt into a puddle if I didn't know the reason for his smile. Of course I respected that he wasn't really my soulmate despite his name being inked onto my wrist, but I didn't like the fact he was off being all love-y dove-y with someone that wasn't me.

I honestly felt disheartened when I fond out that me and Phil weren't a match. It all terribly confused me, I stayed at his birthday party for an hour before I made a partially plausible excuse and left. As soon as I left his house, I felt myself deflate. The tears poured out and like the loser I am; I ran home to my mum.

She was the only person I knew could calm me down and tell me somethings that we both knew were complete and utter bullshit but always eased me into calmness. However, I still didn't completely understand what was going on. My mum had said that it was just how the cruel world worked, there was an error in the system and there was nothing that I could do but live with it.

But how?

Was I supposed to lie to Phil for the rest of my life?

What would happen when Louise turned sixteen and she was assigned her soulmate?

It was obvious that something was going to go wrong somewhere down the lie but neither me nor Louise had any other choice but to roll with it until her birthday. We were in too deep to back out now, we had already began to dig our graves so why not carry on digging?

Both me and Louise were destined to be sent to our graves early when the truth comes out.

"Oh," I mumbled, stabbing the fork into the mediocre school food. "That's nice."

Phil rolled his eyes at my offhand attitude. "What is with you?"

"What do you mean?"

Phil scoffed. "Don't play stupid with me!"

"I'm not!" I lied but I had to pretend to be truthful in hopes of getting Phil off of my case. I didn't want Phil to find out the truth, at least not yet.

Thankfully, luck seemed to be on my side today and we were interrupted by Louise, my supposed girlfriend. 

"Hey babe!" She greeted, kissing my cheek. I turned to her and smiled, a blush on my cheeks. I wasn't sure if it was because I had a beautiful girl kissing my cheek or Phil's gaze on me that made my cheeks tinge pink. 

Phil cooed at us, not helping with the fact my whole face was burning up and turning red. "Aren't you two cute." 

I wish me and you were cute together.


Sorry this is short! But I promise that I will update this again to make up for it! The next chapter will contain Phil's date and some phan so I can't wait for you all to read that. 

Anyways, how are you all doing?

I haven't left my bed for the past two days as I have been binging on supernatural lmao I will never have a social life.

Plus I need to finish watching orange is the new black.

I am rambling okay bye x 

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