Four; Isn't it obvious?

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Four; Isn't it obvious?


"I have done something terrible."

"I am sure it's not that bad." Louise tried to comfort me but it was no use, I was adamant that it was terrible; I was terrible.

"Believe me, it's bad."

She sighed, seemingly getting frustrated with the whole situation. "Just tell me what you've done already! Dan, please I am sure it's not that bad."

I had pulled Louise aside after second period, Phil had walked on ahead not before winking at me and warning me to use protection. And now, here I was trying to explain to her what was going. Beforehand I had chanted to myself over and over to stay calm yet my anxiety was bubbling and I felt like I was going to upchuck what I had for breakfast.

"I lied to Phil," Finally, I spluttered out, revealing both myself and Louise. "I told him something and he believed me and I don't know how to undo it and I need to tell him the truth and when I do he will hate me and then I will hate me for lying in the first place-"

"Dan, breathe, please! You're scaring me." Thankfully, Louise pulled me into a hug and soothingly rubbed my back, as if I was a child. And in my recent emotional state I did feel like a child, I had done nothing but cry since I found out about who my soulmate was and that was only three hours ago.

Once I had regained a somewhat decent composure Louise asked me the question that was inevitable yet I still dreaded despite the certainty it would arise in conversation.

"What did you say to him?"

I acted stupid, like I didn't hear her. "What?"

She rolled her eyes. "You heard me, Daniel."

I shifted my weight from one foot to the other, my arms swung by my sides and I could feel a cold sweat running down my neck.

"I told him that you were my soulmate— No, you aren't my soulmate, I just said that to him as I didn't know what to say. I just panicked and you were the first person that came to my mind."

"You and Phil tell each other about everything, why would you lie?"

I raised my eyebrow, as if to motion that it was obvious.

Her mouth opened in a small 'O' shape, the realisation had finally hit her. "Oh."


"It's Phil, isn't it?"

I nodded.

"Well shit."

Me and Louise decided that we would pretend to be together until Phil's birthday and hope that my name come up on his wrist. We would just have to hope that no one would look at our wrists.

Most importantly Phil, we would have to make sure he believed our lie. If he caught us out before me and Louise planned then he would never trust me and I would lose him forever.

And that's something that I don't want.

I couldn't lose my soulmate.

Not now, not ever.


This was just a filler, I'm sorry it's kind of boring so far but I promise it will get better, I have the plot all thought out and it should be great!

Next chapter is going to be Phil's birthday!

What do you guys think will happen? Will Phil's soulmate be Dan or someone else?

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