Thirteen; Trouble

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Up there is all the countries in which people are reading this book. The amount of blue there makes me happy, ily guys.

Thirteen: Trouble


"Who is that girl you are fake dating?" My mum asked out of the blue one morning. She had never asked about Louise, she only cared about Phil. My mum always wanted to know what went on in the land of Dan and Phil, she apparently loved us two together.


My mum nodded, as if remembering who it was now. "Ah yes."

"It's a shame you and her aren't really soulmates." she began. I was confused, what was she getting at here? "She's a nice girl."

"So is Phil."

My mother looked at me shocked. "What?!? I didn't know Phil was a girl!"

I rolled my eyes but laughed anyway.

"You and Phil are cute though." She agreed and I couldn't help but nod, feeling a little big headed for doing so but I needed to build up my near-none existent ego. "What are you two going to do about- you know.

It was like a secret- something that shouldn't be mentioned. Like Voldemort in that old series of books. You weren't allowed to utter his name, it was poison on your tongue. As the days passed I could feel the fact of me and Phil being together leaning more towards fiction; I would be ending up like that woman.

Sighing, I replied: "I don't know."

* * *

Walking into my history class without Phil was sad, I didn't really speak to anyone in this class as he was In another class. He was lucky and ended up getting the nice teacher, not the one that likes to change the seating plan every week.

Mr. Bertie, was his name and he was the reincarnation of the devil himself. The only reason he changed the seating plan so often was so none of us would be sat next to or near friends. However, this didn't stop the cocky people in my class shouting across the classroom to their mate.

Thankfully, this was the last lesson of the day so I would have to languish in this class-- this school!- for another hour. History wasn't so bad but the teacher was what made the whole subject seem terrible. His voice was monotone and he liked to boss people about whilst he sat at his desk on his phone. Usually, Mr. Bertie would have a task on the board and he expected us to complete in a short amount of time- not long enough to finish the task anyway. Today was no exception.

Sitting in my newly assigned seat, I pulled out my book and a few pens and placed them neatly on the desk. I always made sure I had an extra pen with me, just in case I ran out of ink part way through writing. Especially in Mr. Bertie's lessons, he never, ever lent out pens.

A boy that was also in my P.E class sat down next to me. If I remember correctly, his name is Chris. I haven't really spoken to him much before but he seemed like a nice guy. I'm just grateful that I didn't have to sit next someone who would drive me up the bend for the next week.

"Dan, right?" Chris had asked me whilst getting his things out of his bag.

I nodded. "Yeah. You're Chris right?" He nodded too and then smiled at me.

However, we didn't really get a chance to say much else as Mr. Bertie had clapped his hands together, signalling for us to quieten down as the lesson has now started. He then began to explain our tasks for today's lesson.

Everyone in the class groaned as we saw the amount of work we had to do. It was so much; too much. Mr. Bertie made the two pupils at the front hand out the work we had to do; one of them handed out the past exam papers, the other handed out lined pieces of paper.

Nearly every lesson we were doing past exam papers. Mr. Bertie told us it was practice for our final exams but I think it was because he was too lazy to teach us. He never helped us with how to answer the questions, or even how to structure them. Once he had taught us the history, he never bothered with us then. He would just sit on his arse whilst using his phone.

"Oh great." The sarcasm was obvious in my tone. Chris laughed from beside me.

Me and Chris had decided to work together, he said that we would finish quicker which made me agree straight away. Mondays were already bad enough, I didn't want to spend ages doing an past exam we probably have covered before.

It was about fifteen minutes left of the lesson and we had only another three or four questions left of the exam when Chris said something that made me want the ground to swallow me up.

"Hey, isn't your soulmate Louise?"

I was confused. "Yeah, she is. Why?"

"Well... It's just-" Chris was stumbling over his words and I just wanted him to spit it out. "Your wrist; it says Phil's name."

At first, I didn't understand what he was going on about. How could he possibly know that unless...

Looking down at my wrist I noticed that my blazer sleeve had risen up when I was busy writing and Phil's name was on full display.

Shit shit shit shit shit, a million times shit.

Quickly pulling down my sleeve, I shoved my hands under the table. Afraid someone else might see. I could feel bile rise in my throat, the air seemed thicker and my heart beat seemed slower.

Not now.

Not today.

I couldn't have a panic attack today.

After a few deep breaths, I felt slightly better but I knew the littlest thing could trigger my anxiety again today.

"You-you better not tell anyone!" I warned. "And I mean, anyone."

Chris held his hands up. "I promise, okay. I won't tell anyone."

"You can trust me." He smiled and I simply nodded.

I'm just glad that no one else had noticed my wrist or overheard our conversation.

Well, so I hoped.



I can't stop updating this, send help.

It's 4:40 am and I can't sleep and I am vvv hungry so I decided to update for you lovely lot :D

I apologise for the lack of Phan in this but it's sort of important this chapter (especially the last bit)

I hope you're all good x

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