Twenty One; Tear In My Heart

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I was sad bc I am not at SITC so I decided to write this instead, enjoy!

Twenty One: Tear In My Heart


"Chris, we aren't killing anyone." Phil chastised. Chris frowned. Chris was all set for this situation - mine and Phil's situation - to turn into an action movie. Which would be cool but this was real life. "Besides, we already have a plan." 

At the mention of a plan, Chris perked up. His pout had turned into a smile and he looked between me and Phil excitedly. "What's the plan?" 

"The Cabin," I said. "You know the one we told you about the other day?" 

Chris thought for a minute before nodding his head when he remembered what we were talking about. Chris opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Louise. 

"Hey guys!" Louise smiled, she was back to being her usual bubbly self. 

"Louise! You're back!" Phil smiled at her. 

"Yeah. Sorry for being away for so long, I just wasn't feeling too well; I am better now though." She assured us. 

Louise had told me not to tell anyone about me being her soulmate, not even Phil. Even though I don't like keeping things from Phil, I promised I wouldn't tell anyone anything. I was a man of my word and Louise was a friend: I couldn't break her trust like that. 

"Anyway," Chris spoke up, dragging the attention back to him. "Tell me about the plan." 

"What is there to tell?" Phil looked to me for help and I shrugged. "We are basically going to be there, where we will be safe and no one will find us." 

"And you two," Phil continued, pointing to Louise and Chris but lingering on Chris especially. Chris faked offence. "Better not tell anyone where we are, no matter how much they prod and poke, okay?"


"Yes Sir." 

Then I suddenly remembered something: "Oh and bring us food, lots and lots of food." Phil, Louise and Chris all laughed at my comment. And I smiled, proud for saying something  funny - for once. 

"So when does plan cabin commence?" Chris asked. 

Me and Phil looked at each other. "Whenever the time is right but sometime next week, when school finishes." 

* * *

I watched with a smile on my face as Phil slept with his head on my chest, his mouth open slightly and his left leg in between my legs. He was snoring softly and I found this so endearing, to have Phil, my soulmate so close to me when he is most vulnerable. 

To think a few months back I would only dream about this happening and now it's real. I just find it unfair that we aren't allowed to be together because of a stupid fault. It was unfair, why couldn't I just be free and happy with Phil? 

Softly brushing Phil's hair I smiled as Phil nuzzled closer into my chest. God, I was so in love with him.

However, Phil started to move about, signalling he was just about to wake up so I quickly averted my gaze towards the TV where a random programme was playing. 

"Morning." I remarked as Phil sat up a bit, wiping at his eyes. 

"Good morning." Phil mumbled, his voice was rough and deep and my heart had beat out of my chest. 

Fuck, he was so perfect. 

Was he really mine? 

"I was just thinking..." 

"Uh oh. That's not good." Phil laughed and I rolled my eyes. 

"As I was saying: I've been thinking, I think we should run away to the cabin earlier than next week. I am scared we might get caught and I don't want to lose you- I can't lose you." I admitted. Phil meant the entire world to me, hell, he was my entire world. Without him I just wouldn't be able to live. He completed me and I completed him, that's how it worked. 

We were soulmates and no one could tell us any different because in our hearts, we knew that it was the truth. 

"Hey." Phil was facing me now, he had his hand on my cheek, his thumb softly brushing at my skin. "You will never, ever lose me. I will always be here okay, we are soulmates and nothing can never tear us apart." 

"Nothing?" I asked. It was stupid really because how was Phil supposed to know if anything would happen to us. I just needed some reassurance even if it was fake and naïve of us to think. "Not even the government?" 

"Not even the government." 

Oh, if only we knew how wrong we were. 


Oh look, more foreshadowing ;) 

I get my GCSE results on thursday someone please kill me, I will actually pay you idec. I am so nervous omfg the amount of panic attacks I have had over just thinking about the possible outcomes for my results is unreal. 

Anxiety is a real bitch. I hate it. 

Anywho, enough about me; how are you all doing? Pls speak to me I have like 1.5 of friends and you all seem like lovely people. Like you guys can just message me saying hey and I will call you my friends, hell I thing of you guys as my friends already bc you are all awesome. 

I've still not named this chapter omg I am terrible at this. 

- Talia x 

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