Character Ask - answers

590 18 13


Q: I find you're always crying for Phil all the time, do you love him that much?
A: of course I do! How could I not love him, he means so much to me and I want him to be safe and happy.


Q: Is this what Ryan Ross did after patd
A: what?

Q: Did you cheat on Phil ever?
A: No comment.

The government:

Q: Why is you idiot?
A: I won't dignify that question with an answer

Q: Why are you so annoying? You can't just take Phil away from Dan!
A: Well we can and we did. Their relationship is illegal and therefore there must be consequences.

Q: All I can say is you better watch your back some crazy fan boys/girls will be after you
A: Is that a threat?


Q: Will the last chapter be long?
A: You'll have to wait and see.

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