7; banquet, part two.

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¡Warning; Mature Content Ahead!

"...Yeager Enterprises?" you repeat, dumbfounded. Zeke laughs at your reaction and nods his head.

"Yes, as in CEO of Yeager Enterprises," he replies.

So... this is Eren's brother. and the company's top competitor. huh.

"I apologize for not knowing who you are, I'm also new to the area. If that wasn't obvious already," you joke, finishing your champagne. You study Zeke, he was similar yet so different from Eren. Same charisma, yet there was something different when talking to Zeke. He was definitely older, nonetheless a very attractive man. He held himself with such professionalism, you were definitely intimidated by him, even before revealing him being CEO of Yeager Enterprises. He seemed nice so far, so why was Eren so uneasy when talking about his family?

"No need to apologize, Ms. L/n. It's actually quite refreshing having someone not know who you are. It confirms you liked talking to me as much as I liked talking to you, without my position being the reason as to why" he says, looking down at your eyes, then your lips. You both stare at each other for a moment, with him breaking the contact.

Now Mr. CEO is flirting. Classy.

"So, what exactly do you do at Ackerman Inc.?" Zeke asks breaking the silence, "Let me guess, operations?"

"No, Research and Development. Chemical engineer, to be exact," you reply to Zeke, gaining an intrigued expression from him.

"Ah, smart woman, I'm impressed. What made you want to work there, Ms. L/n?" he asks you, walking a bit closer. You could hear the way he lowered his voice when saying your last name.

You straightened your back and gulped, "You see, I wanted to work for the best, Mr. Yeager," you state, keeping a straight face. Zeke smirked at your response and chuckled lowly.

"If that's the case, why aren't you working for Yea-"

"I sure hope you're not attempting to steal one of my engineers, Yeager. A weak attempt at that, tch,"

You hear your favorite voice interrupt Zeke from behind you. You turn around and see Levi, locking eyes with him. He wore an all-black suit, paired with a red cravat, one that matched all too well with your dress. He eyed you down with utter admiration in his eyes, his lips slightly parted as he looked back up to your pretty face.

he did not- what in the actual fuck.

"Well if it isn't Levi Ackerman himself, good to see you," Zeke exclaims, squinting his eyes at Levi while giving him a smile, "On the contrary, just letting the lovely Ms. L/n know that her options are open, especially being the bright chemical engineer she is," he says as he places a hand on your shoulder.

Levi gives him a nasty glare and lightly pushes you in back of him, "She's fine where she is, shitface."

"Don't speak for her, Ackerman." Zeke warns as he gets in Levi's face, smirking.

"Okay!" you awkwardly laugh, "Thank you for the offer, Mr. Yeager, but as Mr. Ackerman said, I am just fine at Ackerman Inc." you reply, side-eyeing Levi, who was still mugging Zeke.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the bidding will start in approximately 10 minutes, thank you."

"Let's go," Levi mutters to you as he grabs your wrist. He hurriedly walks to the back hallway where the restrooms were, still not letting go.


"Sir," you call out to him as he dragged you by your wrist, slightly irritated. He remained silent, not letting go.

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