15; privacy.

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It was Monday morning; the day before you and the others from Ackerman Inc. were to leave for the conference. Since the conference is going to be held in Marley, which was four hours away by flight, you all will be leaving one day early to settle in.

"A date?"

"That's what I said."


You were currently at Levi's place for breakfast. You tried to secretly visit every morning, per Levi's request, since you two weren't able to talk much at work. These were the only times you two could spend with each other without any suspicions arising. Dorota placed down the plates of food when Levi sparked up the question of you two going on a date. He brought it up casually as he took a sip of his tea, reading his newspaper.

Literally, the only person i know who still reads the newspaper.

The subtle hesitation in your response didn't go unnoticed by him. He places the newspaper beside his breakfast, furrowing his brows in confusion in response, "Did you not want to go on a date?" he asked genuinely, "I just thought since we haven't, despite being together for a while-"

"No! I do," you interrupted, feeling guilty, "Just, I don't know," you sighed, "I guess I'm

"Because of me? Thought we were passed that, Y/n."

"No," you responded sharply, "I mean about people seeing us... together."

Levi raised his brows for a second and nodded, taking a bite of his food, "Right."

It fell silent. The only thing audible was the orange juice Dorota was pouring into your cup. She felt the awkward tension in the room, excusing herself the minute she was done with her job.

"I know a place... with private reservations. It's at the city over, Trost," Levi mutters nonchalantly, his eyes fixated on the cup of tea he was stirring. He leaves it at that, making you grin.

"Okay," you said, "Tonight then?"

"Tonight it is, I'll have my driver pick you up around seven."

"Alright," you said, getting up from the table after taking one last bite. Levi eyes you as you get up, "Leaving already?" he asks with slight disappointment in his tone.

You sigh as you pat your pants, "Yeah, Armin and I want to go over our speech since we probably won't have time once we're in Marley."

You paused, suddenly remembering something, "Speaking about the conference, what was that response you gave Hange at the party?"

"What are you talking about?" Levi responds, averting his eyes away from you, knowing exactly what you were talking about. You scoff at his unsuccessful attempt.

"You're presenting?"  You mock him in an exaggerated tone and stance. He squints his gray eyes towards you, "You're hilarious," he scoffs.

Levi muttered, "Just caught me off guard, that's all."

"Yea, I could tell. Why?"

"It's... not going to be a welcoming crowd. Many big corporations are going to be in attendance. Plus, a certain imbecile is going to be present, tch."

Zeke has set his sights on the company, especially you, and made it well known at the banquet. With the success SAWNEY has brought in for the company, all eyes would be on you. You began to grow nervous at the thought of you presenting such an important project like SAWNEY in front of hundreds of people, but you refused to let Levi see that.

"I know," you retorted, "That's fine by me," you began to walk towards the door, "We aren't going to make friends, are we?"

You left it at that, a small smirk appearing on your face. As you began to walk away, Levi's voice calls out to you, "Darling, don't tell me you were going to leave without a proper goodbye."

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