Code 03

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Felix sprinted down the academy halls, disregarding the disturbing looks he got from other students. Being late to his next class was forbidden, even if you couldn't attend due to a personal cause.

The next thing he came across was a ton of stunned students by the sudden abrupt noise that came from the classroom door. "Mr. Lee, Your late. I hope you know the punishment for students that are late for my class." Felix heaved a sigh before nodding towards his teacher, "I'm sorry sir, It won't happen again." He tried to reassure, Knowing he had no idea if had the ability to stick to his words.

The teacher shortly accepted the apology from the younger, "You may take your seat, lee." Felix gazed across the class, accidentally setting his gaze on an individual who seemed too imprudent on acknowledging his presence. "Thank you sir," He responded before taking a seat a couple seats far from the irritated being.

"Alright, to start things off today. Things are getting complicated within our world." The room seemed to grow a weird atmosphere as the students carefully gazed towards each other, confusion riding along their expressions. "And yes, I'm referring to those we call humans." Everyone gasped, "Unfortunately, two from our student body were dreadfully injured when they crossed the walls. Thankfully we recovered them in time and they are currently resting in the infirmary." The teacher announced to the students. Slowly regretting his actions when he was abruptly disturbed by the sound of a chair being froze fully thrown backward. "Who are they? Who's in the infirmary Mr. Hao?" Hyunjin questioned, the tip of his fingers blooming with fire sparks.

"I'd suggest you calm down Mr. Hwang before I make you." Mr. Hao suggested to the raging student. "To kindly answer your question, the students are Jay and Sunoo." Hyunjin didn't know what happened before he was already bursting fire within in his body.

Sunoo and Jay must've been gotten hurt while visiting Ni-ki. "Hyunjin, it's not the time. Please.." The teacher practically begged, not wanting to witness another disaster from Hyunjin.

Felix was about to reach up and use his powers to calm the older down a bit but was intervened, "I'm sorry sir, c- can I take my leave for a bit to go see them? I know those kids." He calmly asked, the teacher sighed in relief before nodding. "Ye—" He started but got cut off when Hyunjin was already making his way towards the infirmary.

The teacher sighed loudly, "Could someone go out and follow him to make sure he doesn't cause any trouble? I can't deal with the arguments from the school board again." He politely asked, already have a bunch of school girls ride from the seats in a attempt to follow him.

But Felix was already out the door.

Everyone's eyes widened as they saw Felix follow after Hyunjin with no hesitation.

School destruction was nothing compared to the contact of a fire and ice ability user.


"Hyunjin!" Felix called out towards the red haired individual who was angrily stomping his way through the empty halls.

Felix called out his name, thinking Hyunjin either disregarded his presence or just couldn't hear him over his overclouding anger. He then grew tired from the lack of response and did the most unexpected but crazy idea he could come up with.

He yanked onto hyunjins arm, forcefully pulling him back and Felix could feel the burning sensation of hyunjins powers imprinting onto his skin. He had no choice but to slightly use his powers onto the older.
"Stop it!" Hyunjin yelled, feeling uncomfortable from the sudden freezing contact.

"Then chill the fuck out! Your causing an unnecessary ruckus!" Felix exclaimed, gripping onto Hyunjin even harder. "Fuck off." He spat towards the younger. Felix gave no expression, he simply responded with a "No." Hyunjin frustratedly rolled his eyes, "Why can't you just leave me alone Felix. Your presence has no place in my life, so why bother aggressively trying to stick around." He fussed. Irritation isolating his voice.

"Because I care about you Hyunjin, why don't you understand tha—" "Really? After 5 years and your still trying?" He questioned in disbelief. "Listen Lee Felix. Stay away from me, my brother, and especially my sister. I don't want your cold presence near me or my loved ones, got that? This little fantasy you play in your head almost constantly has got to stop, grow up Felix, We're not kids anymore, so stop wishing for something that was never there to begin with." Felix couldn't hide the fact that he was slightly scared from the statement, he noticed how hyunjins tone got slightly deeper the more he explained his thoughts.

But he couldn't lie that there was some pain he felt in his chest as he processed them thoroughly. "W- what am I doing wrong H- Hyunjin? Y- you were my b- best friend?..." He questioned softly, his words becoming hard to process. "You and me? Please lix, don't be so naive." Felix didn't even notice the harsh remark as his eyes lit up from the nickname.

It had been years since he heard that nickname from Hyunjin. He looked up at the red-haired individual who looked like he had witness a crime be committed in front of him. Seems that Hyunjin brushed off the fact he accidentally slipped the nickname from out of nowhere.

Unless it wasn't a slip up.

"Now, get your hands off of me before I do something I won't regret, Lee." He commanded the younger, threatening him at that.

Felix let his grip release on the older, not wanting to anger him anymore. Hyunjin took no hesitation from taking his leave away from the annoyance. Leaving Felix stunned and shock with the thought that he could still have a chance.

Even when it was shown that all hope was lost.

KAMSISKSSM I'm so sorry for the lat update, I had exams and studying and AIJSISJS jeez... but nevermind that, STRAYKIDS NEW COMEBACK IS COMING IN A COUPLE OF HOURS AND IM SO FUCKING EXCITED ISTG.

Anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter, another surprise will be posted either later tonight or tomorrow :)

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