Code 010

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Find Felix?

Hyunjin was racing towards the hall, trying to find the room where Felix was resting.

'The connection you and Felix share is like no other, learn to control the abilities once their reunited and you shall cause glory instead of madness'

Hyunjin remembered those words clearly, but he didn't seem to decipher the real reason why. Why was their connection so important. Who were the two beings that his parents talked about, the real reason he and Felix were to be set off as enemies since they were kids? Maybe he would find out later but now wasn't the moment.

If he were to find Felix, he would have no reason to convince to younger to help, he would have no right. No matter if it was truly his parents who controlled Hyunjin those years into confining his relationship with the younger, he still chose to listen.  Chose to listen to his brain instead of his heart, and look where that got them.

He froze.

But not on purpose.

"Stay away from our son," Someone spat, Hyunjin could recognize her and the individual she stood next to. But he was solely focused on his own body at the moment. He was glued to the floor by ice. "No harm will come to your son, I just need his help," Hyunjin confirmed to Felix's parents.

His mother scoffed, "Never, your the reason why he's like this. Why couldn't you just stay away, that's all we asked for the Hwangs and you couldn't even fulfill that." Hyunjin clenched his fists. He didn't understand how Felix could have parents like this when he seemed to be the complete opposite of them.

"Please, My sister is in a critical condition right now. The only way to save her is with the help of your son, I know I have no right to interfere or to even bother asking. But I'm sincere, begging you."

"Your sister being in critical condition is no one's fault but yours, my son's health is the most important thing on my mind right now and I don't see how he helping will fix your sister." Hyunjin was in disbelief. He remembered in the past how the lees were the utmost and kindest people in the Hwangs life's and now... they're cold as their abilities. Hyunjin had no control over his next words, "Your unbelievable," Felix's parents widened their eyes, "Excuse me—"

"The reason your son is in this condition right now indeed is from my actions and my unspoken words. But if you and my parents have not kept the truth about Felix and me for years, none of this would've happened. All of those years I missed with my past best friend could've been used to figure out how to control our abilities and form a new bond where it does not cause chaos and destruction. But you decided to conceal the truth and never speak a word about it. And your solution? Was an even bigger fail that caused this." The parents turned a blind eye to Hyunjin's statement, but he was not done.

"And my sister? SHE WAS THE ONE WHO SACRIFICED HER LIFE TO SAVE ME AND YOUR SON AND YOU TURNING A BLIND EYE?! My sister is a top prestigious student at this academy, her dreams are one of the most important things in this world that I will help her accomplish and I will not see her yield for the sake of me and another's life. If anyone wants to stop me I won't hesitate to force you out of my way. That being a family member or someone I was once acquainted with." To think that Hyunjin was able to have the confidence to stand up for himself, he didn't stutter nor regret his words. Felix's parents glared at Hyunjin, no words seeming to form in their mouths when they contemplated if there was any further reason to reject the young boy.

Felix's father was about to speak until he suddenly stopped, and Hyunjin's eyes slowly dilated. "Mother he's right." Felix's mother turned back and saw her other son, "H- Han?" Felix's father went to put a hand on his shoulder, "Son, what are you doing here, you should be resting in your room." He urged.

"Mother, the father, let Hyunjin talk to Felix at least and see where things will go. You've kept it from them long enough. And you know deep in your hearts that Yeji needs to be saved, don't act like you don't wish for her recovery." Hyunjin fell silent as he waited for a response, he then got one when he felt his lower half being slowly released. "If anything happens to my son—"

"He'll be safe, you have my word, Ms. Lee," Hyunjin reassured, already making his way past them and into Felix's room. Felix's mother and father looked back to their son who smiled at them, "He'll be fine, judging by the way Hyunjin rushed towards Felix when he found out this was all going down, nothing will happen to him." He reassured, and his parents couldn't seem to decipher the true meaning behind those words.

𝐋𝐢𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora