Code 013

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After the situation, due to Nurse Lia. She had Felix and Hyunjin stay in her open rooms for recuperation. Also due to the school's safety, the principal, Mr. Min, restricted their room requirements to be separated for the time being.

Though of course, they were, after all, teenagers.

Hyunjin sneaked out of his room window and made his way towards Felix's. He felt a weird urge to be in the boy's presence after so long. Besides, he just wanted to feel whole again, oddly Felix made him feel that way.

He walked closer until he stumbled upon a weird crack noise, freezing almost immediately thinking as if he was caught, but was not. "Hyunjin?" The voice spoke and Hyunjin recognized that immediately.

"Felix? W- what are you doing here." He asked softly, "I could ask you the same, but assuming you heading towards my room, I'm assuming you are here for the same reason I'm here for you..."
He questioned.

Hyunjin hummed before smiling to himself, then Felix gasped, immediately having Hyunjin look back at the younger worrisome, "W- what?!" He stuttered.

Felix let out a short laugh, "That's the first time I've seen you smile in years!" He stated proudly, his eyes Brightly dilating with excitement.

Hyunjin covered his cheeks in an attempt to hide his unknown blush but just ended up smacking himself.
Felix snorted, and Hyunjin grew even more embarrassed. "Don't be like that..." he mumbled.

And Felix only smiled.

There they sat, only a couple inches apart as they stared at the amusing atmosphere around them. The silence was nice, though it did not last long.

"I'm sorry," Hyunjin spoke up, Felix giving him another questionable look until he sighed in the realization of what he meant by that, "No lix, I'm truly sorry I put you through all of that. And when we were kids I... I just didn't know what I was doing back then and it was always my parent's word over mine." He confessed. Felix turned back to his side and started playing with his fingers like a child. He remembers that one day.


"Jinnie...w- what are you doing?" Felix asked as he watched his friend start packing the final things into his bag in a hurry.

He received no response from the older.

"Hyunjin!" He yelled.

The boy slammed his bag shut, starting Felix. "Lix, please stop." He begged, "I'm sorry but I- I can't do this right now, so leave." He pressured yet commanded with his tone. Thought Felix would voluntarily obey. But that only made the younger more confused, "Why?!" He asked.

That's when Hyunjin stopped, turning around so his attention was on the younger and it broke him. The poor ice user was welled up in tears and sadness, his eyes begging for comfort in any way he could've possibly been given it.

And Hyunjin had never felt so conflicted in his life.

"I'm moving, Felix. I and my family think we should go our separate ways since what happened in the forest and I'm sure your parents already told you about it, though my parents didn't." He spoke up, and Felix only vigorously declined with his head.

"Just like that?! All because of what happened in the forest? We're perfectly fine, everyone's fine so wha— just why?..." He still pleaded on. "You don't have to leave—... you don't have to leave me because of it, jinnie." Hyunjin clenched his fists he had already produced tons of frustration set in his own words yet kind and now the anger from the situation was slowly being invited in.

"Lix... I- I'm sorry... but my parents think it's too dangerous for us to be this close to one another. After that fire, they were scared about what else could've happened if we went any further—"

"To hell with that bullshit!" He suddenly cursed, "I don't care about that Hyunjin, I care that my best friend is leaving and acts like he can't do shit to change it! Your sitting here telling me that you're leaving me, out of fucking nowhere! and that I'm probably never going to see you again, and you know how major and terrible I am when it comes to overthinking and assuming so why would you ever think that I would be ok with this and just let it slide—"

"I never said that! Of course, I know how bad you are when it comes to your conscious and over-assuming things. But I- just what can I do, lix. My parents—" However things were stopped, the sudden temperature in Hyunjin's room growing cold. Confusion was written on his face until his sight landed upon Felix.

"Do you not care about it? Your parents this, your parents that. What about what do you want?! Your just going to disregard your thoughts and feelings for the sake of someone else's only stupidity and assumptions. No matter whether them being your parents or not, what do you want Hyunjin?!" Felix yelled, screaming his mind towards Hyunjin in an attempt to imprint those words into his mind.

But Felix didn't even notice that his powers were awakening, the tip of his fingers sparking with ice and his body started to produce cold air radiating off from his pale skin. The frustration, the anger, the anticipation. All the above were set to make Felix go crazy if he did not stop with the curiosity of his mind.

He was still a child, no disbelief on that. Yet he was not fully trained to use his powers or even get to the full extent to be getting so tempted to release them
Fully, though it was not of his own free will.

Out of his instinct, Hyunjin rushed to the younger boy. This had happened more than once in the years that the boys have known each other, "Lix, breathe, shhh calm down..." he urged as he took a hold of Felix's hands, slightly hissing in the process from the cold substance.

But it only made things worse, Felix started to cry.

Hyunjin in a slight panic, engulfed Felix's face in his hands, watching crystal tears fall from his eyes in his hold. He brushed the simple yet beautiful tear that fell from his face, catching Felix off guard.

He started his powers, reheating his body to calm down. The ice started to fade from his eyes, the blue started to disappear from his skin so gradually and Hyunjin sighed in relief, he stared back at Felix who slowly started to close his eyes.

"J- jinnie..." he mumbled softly.

And that's when it went black.

However for Felix, when he awoke the next day, he remembered the events that happened later on and came to the realization, that he would just have to deal with it. But the moment he came to the final terms

Hyunjin was already gone.

And it broke Felix knowing that he didn't get to say goodbye one last time or to share their special handshake with the older before his disappearance.


Oddly, Felix smiled to himself from that memory he deeply tried to forget. Because looking back at his younger self, he would've been proud and happy with what became of them from now.

Finally, he was back with his companion after so long, but it did feel as if some part of the puzzle was missing its main piece. The problem is what is.

Hyunjin looked over to the younger and nudged him, trying to get him out of his daze but curious as to why he was so quiet.

"You ok?" He asked.

Felix smiled back, "Yea, couldn't have been better."

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