Code 019

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Felix was no longer Felix, his body, his mind, were taken into the depths of his own intellect as someone else vacated his own physique. Though he did not mind.

Sitting alone in the emptiness of where ever he vacated, his set his mind at ease. Trusting the being who was inside of him to handle the work he couldn't. Though he still worried if it were enough.

Niki stared at the being in-front of him, scared shit less from the massive aura he was radiating. He was confused yet scared, the noises seemingly to drift off in the background to nothing but faint sounds.

"Hwang Yeji," Jin spoke, "Take your brother and retreat from the premises, head towards the main exit in-front of the school and command your superiors to stay hidden. No matter what they say, do not speak about what is about to happen. Shall you must, you will face nothing but terror and chaos if you interfere." Yeji sat back up, anger slowly growing through her body but she remained sane.

"Kim Seokjin, the legendary water dragon who was presumed dead centuries ago. But now is in the body of my brothers beloved." She stated, not shaking the deity whatsoever. He expected this. "I never expected for you to awaken, to even be able to sit here and talk with me is a miracle. But I will not stand for your plans," Jin was now intrigued, configuring what the young girl was speaking about.

"You talk as if I'm conspiring against the kind who I shall and is my duty to protect, mind explaining further why you must condemn me to such beliefs? Or shall you listen further to my instructions since I'm the only person who can save your brother and every other life here. Choose wisely Hwang, I'm surely not a care-free and patient person that you All might perceive me to be." With that, Yeji had paused to take a moment to herself to think, things she had been told about the deity was that he was ruthless, unforgiving, and selfish. He never reduced himself for the sake of mankind since he managed to wipe out everyone who once existed of his kind. Therefor having a hate towards him and the other fire dragon for them burdening both Felix and Hyunjin with carrying their souls within their bodies until their time was finished.

But yet again, those were only things she had been told by the superiors. And Yeji was never the one to truly believe something without full evidence of it becoming true. And at the moment, Jin had gained, but not fully; A short amount of trust.

"Fine, Niki, follow me."

Niki nodded and raised himself up off of the ground, following after his older sister on the way back to the front entrance of the school where the rest of the student body took place.

For now, the sake of Hyunjin and the dragon that vacated inside of him, was focused on the trust Felix had given seokjin the moment he agreed to let him take over. And Yeji would've prayed to god if she truly believed there was one.


Crazy how time had flown past, it being centuries and Jin was able to freely use his powers to the extent he was limited of for years. But now wasn't the time to focus on himself. Lives were at stake, and if he didn't finish this now. He would be at fault for the reoccurring event that took place many years ago, once again.

"Hyunjin, I will give you one last chance to back down. This isn't you. Your better then what I've been told." Jin spoke, bringing up all of those times Felix had sat in Jim's environment talking about him and Hyunjin and just Hyunjin in general. It brought a small smile to the older's face seeing the boy happy.

"You don't know anything!" With that, Hyunjin threw a fireball, Jin using a counterattack as he resized it with a ice attack that froze it mid-air. He threw multiple, desperate to strike the deity with at-least one shot, but failed each time.

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