Chapter 32

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Valentina Gracia

I fucking hate that asshole. Even if he comes out alive I'll kill him. I'm not as weak as he thinks I am. Maybe a tiny bit weak at shooting but I'll manage things pretty fine with my knife.

With a huff, I rotate in my chair as Nico continues glaring at me with an ice pack attached to his nose.

If I'm being honest I'm kinda glad I didn't revisit the place. I don't want the nightmares inside me to be awakened again.

"Val-" Lorenzo's voice was heard through my headset before he could say anything I speak up.

"Don't speak," I mutter as I continue watching the camera the officer in disguise attached in the hull. "There are three guys out and our man is right outside. Wait for the right moment Kevin will get you out." I say as I watch the two chefs talking with Kevin. "Kevin anything suspicious?" I ask and he subtly looks at the camera and shakes his head. "Good." I nod to myself and check the other two camera screens.

"The girls are locked in two floors. Both are right above where we are." He says and my eyes catch the familiar way through which I and Isabella once ran from. My breath catches in my throat as I shake off the heavy feeling in my heart.

"Now Kevin," I order with a crack in my voice. I clear my throat as I watch Kevin reach two knives on the counter behind him and hold it onto one of the chefs telling the other not to scream. He covers the mouth of a chef with his hand as he slits his throat and before the other guy screams he throws a knife right on his throat.

"Val, you okay?" I hear Lorenzo's voice and I nod before realizing that he can't see me.

"I'm good," I mumble. "And you concentrate on saving the women," I say and turn off my mic focusing on Nico now. "How many hours left?"

"Thirty minutes." He sighs and stalks towards the screen and sighs. "The ship will take off in thirty minutes." He nods and then reaches for the headset. "Mr D'amelio you need to hurry." He says.

I watch from the screen as Kevin opens the door of the container and everyone slip out.  They immediately nod at Kevin and throw him a gun. They start moving towards the staircase and the camera doesn't cover the rest.

I bite my lips nervously as I stare at the screen. The other camera displayed a view of the guards outside the cells and I believe that somehow Kevin was able to attach the small screw camera to the other end of the floor. My breathing hitches as I see six guards falling down in less than a second. The next six sets of bullets followed as all the twelve guards on the floor were dead in less than two seconds.

"Damn." I and Kevin breathe out at the same time with wide eyes. We continue to watch as Enzo and the others step into the screen. I bite down on my lip harder as Lorenzo leads the team with a gun forward in alarm just like the others. He suddenly freezes as his gaze lands on the cells. I watch him curse under his breath. I know what he was probably viewing. Five hundred naked females on each side pressed up against each other with tear stricken faces.

Filip opens the cell on the left while Anders does the right. Sabine and Lorenzo were frozen while Francois, Kevin step towards the staircase waiting for the girls to get out. Everyone looks uncomfortable as the kids come out of the cells with happiness and relief hitched on their faces. But to my surprise, they were still dressed. This tells that Leonid wasn't on the ship. Of course, he wasn't. That fucker still didn't step into Europe.

Kevin and Francois led a thousand girls on the floor to the hull. They will be escorted out by the emergency exit where Nico said that two women were already waiting. Just like that day.

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