01. the color of your hair that day was pink

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"(Y/n), are you sleeping ?"

You shot your head up, struggling to distinguish the teacher as daylight assaulted your half-closed eyes.

"Well, not anymore, M. Diaz. Sorry about that."

The class laughs, along with the teacher. He was a good man, and he could tell when students were joking with him and not about him.

"Now (Y/n), I know you don't really enjoy calculus, but this is important for the homework I'm about to give you."

All the students, especially you, groan when he gives you a sheepish smile, getting a pile of documents out of his thick bag.

Yes, there was school in the Encanto, despite it being an amazing place imagined by Disney. You weren't aware of that last part, though. To you, having school was just normal.

But it was still less that the average 8 to 5 the writer had to go through everyday. They didn't complain, though, since they had least had the chance to get an education.

That was a lie, the writer complained everyday. Anyway.

To begin with, you started school at 9AM. That was basically paradise. Then, you finished at 4PM everyday except on fridays, when your class stayed later to help clean the building. It was always fun, kinda. You weren't the most extroverted, but there weren't many fifteen years old in the Encanto either; your class consisted of fourteen students. That was cool, too.

But still, you liked the weekends the most. Except when you had math homework, because you knew you would spend all of your time on it.

You glance at Mirabel, who was sitting by the window in the front row, as usual. She was looking outside, not really paying attention. You knew she had taken all the notes necessary, and would probably be done with it quickly.

That wasn't her cousin's case, though. Camilo groaned as he read the paper the teacher just handed him, making a face that made everyone laugh.

You playfully rolled your eyes at his behavior, taking a look at the homework as well. Welp, you would probably spend your whole Saturday on this.

"Alright, 4PM. Class dismissed, guys. See you on Monday !"

Since it was Friday, your class was in charge of cleaning the school. It was always fun, since everyone got along with each other rather well.

Usually, M. Diaz would stay to watch all of you, but he trusted you. And he had a date with that woman he's liked for a while, so you all allowed him to go earlier to prepare. You were rooting for him.

"Yo, (Y/n), you intend to stare at that math problem all day ?" Óscar hands you a broom, which you take with a sigh.

"Maybe if I look at it long enough, it'll magically resolve itself."

"Good luck with that." He pats your shoulder before going to help his best friend Alberto with cleaning.

You head to another classroom (there were seven in total, some grades were sharing a room) to start working on it. You decided on the one 2nd and 3rd graders shared. You liked the posters on the walls and the colorful chalk drawings the children had made on the board. It was almost sad to clean it, but you knew it would all be renewed the next day.

timeless memories || mirabel madrigal X female readerWhere stories live. Discover now