12. the classroom still smelled of dust, we rushed the cleaning

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"...I don't have any questions. Just pack up your things, we're going home." Camilo sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as he opens the classroom door to see you and Mirabel playing marbles on the floor.

As usual on Fridays, you had hurried to the kids classroom to clean it with Mirabel. Her cold was gone in no time after you visited her, maybe because she was desperate to see you. Or simply because it wasn't too serious, you'll never know.

Eventually, she ended up challenging you to a marbles games, and you were miserably losing, but you didn't really care. You just found Mirabel's seriousness about the whole thing extremely cute. Moreover, she was showing incredible skills.

"Alright, we can say you won, Mira." You pat her shoulder since she doesn't lose her focus on the marble, snapping her out of her trance. She gives you a contempt smile, making you snort.

"Let's go." The three of you gather the marbles quickly and exit school. You hug Mirabel goodbye and sternly shake Camilo's hand, as usual, and hurry home.

You open the door, surprised not to have your sisters jump at you immediately, and head to the kitchen, only to find them calmly eating snacks at the table, your mother doing the dishes.

"Mamí ?" You raise an eyebrow. She must have finished early, but how ? You had overheard her talk with your father and tell him this week was very busy.

"(Y/n) ! How was school today ?"

"Uh... Fine, pretty normal. Did you finish early ?"

"Yeah, about that. Girls, I have to talk to (Y/n). Will you go play upstairs ?"

Uh oh. Did you do something wrong ? You didn't recall. Sure, you bombed your math test, but your parents knew you sucked at it, and didn't mind as long as you tried.

"But I want to play with (Y/n) !" Rita protest, pulling on your arm. You give her a warning gaze, making her pout and run after Sol, who had immediately obeyed.

"Alright. But after that, you'll help me with homework, right (Y/n) ?" Esme asks. It was what you usually did, and you saw no reason to change that routine.


"I'll help you with it as well." Your mother gently pushes her out of the kitchen, motioning you to sit at the table. You do so, your body tensed up as you retraced everything you had done these past few days that could have lead to this situation.

"So," She says, taking a seat next to you. "Your dad spoke to me."

"Seems normal to me. Communication is the key to marriage." You try, and if she smiles, she shakes her head.

"You've made a friend, and for that I'm glad..."

You narrow your eyes at her, ready to defend yourself about that time you had dinner with the Madrigals. That was what it was all about, right ?

"... And I'm sorry your father said that to you. I've been thinking of this for a while, and I think you should have more time for yourself. Your sisters are very demanding."

So she wasn't mad. You sighed in relief, taking in the words she said. But it wasn't possible. Someone had to keep an eye on your sisters, at least the twins since Esme was responsible enough to be left home alone.

"Yeah, but that's okay, mamá. I can handle them just fine."

She looks at you, unfazed. "You sure know how to make them listen, mija, but they can't go any second without you by their side. You perfectly know that's a problem."

"Yes." You agree sternly.

"I think Esme could take over some times. She's the same age as when you started taking care of them."

You shake your head no. "Mamá, Esme hates when things don't go as she planned. And the twins are too wild for her to take care of. It's suffocating, she couldn't handle it."

Your mother gives you a pitiful look, which you moderately enjoy; you didn't need her pity but rather her help. "But you had to handle this. I'm so sorry, mija. If I didn't have such a-"

"If you ? Mom, you're not the problem. Dad here could just walk out of his workroom once he's finished painting for the day and take care of his daughters."

She looks at you sadly. She knew you understood your father's way of thinking, but that you were tired of consoling the twins every night when they asked why he couldn't come kiss them goodnight, just for one minute.

You sat here in silence, both of you having discussed about your father multiple times already. There was nothing left to say.

"Tomorrow, I'll take Sol with me to work. She likes to watch me sew." She proposes.

"Take Rita with you too."

"What ? But she always says she hates my work and would never choose to do this when she grows up."

You snort. "She says this because it keeps you away from home. I'm sure if you ask her if she wants to come, she'll happily say yes. Just try this one time."

Your mother considers bringing the tornado that Rita is to her workplace with a worried scowl, but eventually shrugs. "Alright, why not ?"

"Oh, about that, I was wondering..."

You tell her about Mirabel's wish of watching her at work, and she gladly accepted, subtly slipping in a word or two about how she'd like if you were the one being interested in that. You dodged it just as subtly and skillfully.

It went like this :

"And when are you gonna ask to learn about my job, too ?"


"Careful. Mirabel's about to become my favorite out of you two."

"She's not your daughter. You shall love me endlessly, while you have no obligation to her."

"I can adopt her."

"Or I could marry her, she'll become your almost daughter."

"Oh ? Does my (Y/n) finally have a crush ?" She nudges you playfully, ready to have you complain about how nobody was good enough for your superior person and that you'll never fall in love with someone other than yourself.

But this time, you stay silent, staring at her with a smug smile.

"Eh." Is all you say, picking your nails with a proud raise of your eyebrows.

"(Y/n) ?" Your mother's lips curl upwards as she grabs your forearm in excitement.

"I may have managed to fall in love-"

Her high-pitched scream (which was quite surprising coming from a woman who usually had such a low voice) interrupted you, and you found yourself engulfed in a tight, motherly hug. You smile to yourself, scenting her familiar perfume as she congratulates you.

"So in case you didn't know, I'm gay-"

"I know, you stupid." She slaps the back of your head, laughing. "You tell me everytime I ask you to come out of your room."

"Wouldn't want you to forget that."

words : 1157

note : so I'm back from vacation and finally have internet :)

thank you for wishing me a good time (I deleted the chapter where I warned you about the 'no internet' issue and therefore can't answer your comments), I did have fun! the problem being I wasn't able to work and I have some big exams coming up lol. I'm a pro procrastinator.

hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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