22. I loved you

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"Miraboo, got your party pants on ? 'Cause I do-"

Uh oh. You stay still, unable to react as Agustín enters the room. Mirabel is more effective : she tries to hide the vision, with Casita's help, but it's too late. He saw it.

You look at Mirabel nervously, but she starts talking before you can think of a good lie.

"We... broke into Bruno's tower, found his last vision, the family's in trouble, the magic is dying, the house is breaking, Luisa's gift is fading and it's all because of... Me ?"

Agustín just stares at the vision, confused.

"Pa ?"

He suddenly shoves the parts of the vision in his pockets, visibly panicking.

"We say nothing, Abuela wants tonight to be perfect, 'til the Guzmáns leave, you did not break into Bruno's tower, the magic is not dying, the house is not breaking, Luisa's gift is not fading, no one will know, just act normal, no one has to know. (Y/n), you will keep the secret, right ?"


"Great. Nobody else is aware, right ?"

The door slowly opens, revealing Dolores at the other side of the courtyard. She looks distressed, and you can easily guess what she's about to say when her mouth opens.

"I know."

She squeaks before running away, and you tiredly rub your temples, sighing.

"She's gonna tell everyone." Mirabel whispers as Abuela calls everyone for dinner.



"What do we do now ?" You sit on Mirabel's bed after Agustin tries to run after Dolores, a bit late. She lets herself fall next to you, not knowing what to do. "You should probably go home. There's nothing to do anymore, I'm sorry, (Y/n)."

You turn to her, seeing her on the verge of tears. You gently wrap your hand over her shoulders. "Why ? There's nothing to be sorry about. I'm sure we'll find something out. You know, we can't really know what this vision means. Maybe you'll save us all from the-"

"I meant for putting you in danger so many times ! Today was too much. I'm so sorry for that, and for getting you involved in this. My Abuela might hate you if she finds out we broke into Bruno's tower..."

"...Alright, so, first of all, I don't give a fuck about what an old lady thinks of me. However, I do care about my best friend, Mirabel, who probably woudn't have survived if she had gone alone in Bruno's tower. In the end maybe it's a good thing I came along, don't you think ? And finally, I'd rather get in danger with you a hundred times more than to have to present my father's paintings' auction. That was the actual thing I feared. Those memories I make with you are so priceless, and I would never dream of forget them. Isn't that what's important ? I want to make thousands of memories with you. Today's are just a bit more... adventurous."

She looks at you with an unreadable expression. You awkwardly shift in your place. Did you say too much ? Did it sound weird ?

"I love you." She finally speaks, bluntly, in a breath, as if she couldn't help but say it. You tense up in hope, trying not to let those words affect you too much before you make sure what way she means it.

"By love, you mean-"

"I mean I love you. More than a friend would, more than I ever loved someone. And I'm sorry I'm telling you this right now, it's just that today I realized something could happen at any time, the magic is fading, and I had to do it now so I don't have regrets. This could be the end of everything-"

timeless memories || mirabel madrigal X female readerWhere stories live. Discover now