38. art classes

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"It's gonna be fine, Mrs. Melendez." You pat the older woman's back to calm her down as she bites her nails in anxiety.

"How can you know ? So many people come everytime !"

"And you always do good. You stress over it everytime, yet they always like your classes. They come back every Saturday, don't they ?"

"Yeah, they do. But I think it's because of you, little one. You're very skilled with the people."

You shrug. "Not really. I'm just in my element. But so are you. It's gonna be fine !"

Mrs Melendez had proposed to open art classes for the townspeople on Saturday afternoons about four months ago, and she had asked you to assist her in her classes as her favorite student. You had gladly accepted, the woman sharing half of the income with you. The lessons weren't expensive, but it still made you some money.

Plus, you liked it. You could see yourself continue doing that later.

And the townspeople loved it. Many of them registered for the lessons. It was a great opportunity for parents that wanted to get rid of their kids for an afternoon, or people that genuinely wanted to improve.

You had decided to do this at school, in the kids' classroom, where the windows were tainted in various colors. It was cosy.

"Hola, (Y/n)." Isabela enters the room first, holding Antonio's hand. She sits at their usual table, where the rest of the Madrigals that attended the class always gathered.

"Hi, Isa ! Antonio !"

He gives you a high-five and you hand them the drawings they were working on during the last lesson.

"Luisa will be there soon. She had a few things to take care of. As for Camilo, we never know." Isabela rolls her eyes and you both shake your heads as Camilo is mentioned.

"We're used to him being late. I wonder what his excuse will be this time."

"Hey, (Y/n). Mrs Melendez." Marta, your classmates, enters the room and takes place. Little by little, the class fills up, and even Luisa arrives before you start. It is not the case with Camilo, though.

You and Mrs Melendez do your best in giving advices to the people who need it. Your teacher gets calmer by the minute, even flashing a few smiles. As usual.

You look over Antonio's shoulder and see he's doing very well in drawing his jaguar. You congratulate him, before your eyes fall on Isabela's drawing. Her expression said it all, she was struggling.

"Isa." You surprise her by patting her shoulder, and she gives you an embarrassed smile. "You doing okay ?"

"Actually, I forgot how we're supposed to draw flowers."

"Hmm. Well, there's no real way to do it, you know. We all have different styles, and the one Mrs Melendez showed last week was subjective. If you don't know how you want to draw them right now, I can show you again, but maybe you could work of finding the best style for you. I have some books about art at home, I can bring them next time and show you different artists. You'll find your favorite, and..."

You continue chatting with Isabela and helping her out, Luisa butting in from time to time asking for advice, until the door opens, and Camilo steps in, trying to see whether anyone noticed he was late.

"Camilo." You appear behind him, startling him. "Late again ?"

"Yeah, yeah..." He scratches the back of his neck, smiling sheepishly. "I got lost on the way."

You eye him, raising an eyebrow.

"You got lost on the way to school, which you take everyday ?"


"And I'm the one with memory loss." You sigh, gently pushing him to his seat next to Luisa. "You know, it's not school. We're not as strict, you can be late. No need to find excuses."

He seems to consider it before shrugging and starting working on his drawing.

The class goes well, it lasts for two hours and more for the people who want to stay late. You work on your own paintings in the meantime, and before you know it, everyone is gone except you and Mrs. Melendez, and it's time to go home.

"(Y/n), are you going to stay longer to paint ? Can I let you clean the room ?"

'Of course. See you on Wednesday, Mrs. Melendez !" You wave goodbye to her, adding a few touches to your painting. You get a bit lost in your work, not noticing the person that means against the doorframe to watch you until they scoff.

"Mirabel ! You scared me." You gently scold her as she walks up to you to hug you from behind, peering at your painting.

"Beautiful. I wish I could take your classes so that we'd spend our day together." She kisses your cheek, and you set down your brush, calling it a day.

"Pretty sure I'd grow tired of you." You joke, leaning your head back to return her kiss. She clicks her tongue, fakely offended.

"Eh, you can't get enough of this." She lets go of you to point at her face, and then winks. You both cringe.

She helps you clean up the small mess you had made, in silence. It's comforting, in a way. The sun through the tainted windows lights the room up in different colors, and you laugh as you almost fall while stepping on a leftover marble.

"Hey, remember how we used to clean up that room in tenth grade ? It was fun. And I always made sure I found all the marbles."

One of the good sides of being in your last year of school was that you were a VIP, meaning :

- That you were free to skip classes that weren't considered necessary for your future project

- That you could pass before lower grades at the cafeteria

- That you didn't have to clean the school anymore

It was nice, but you were kind of missing those afternoons spent cleaning and joking around with your classmates. You felt like you had grown up too fast, as if you didn't get to enjoy your teenage years. And maybe you didn't. You couldn't remember living the most part of your life, after all.

"We made so much memories in this classroom." Mirabel smiles, pointing to the floor. "Here, you asked me to be your best friend." She points to the board. "Under the board, I cried my heart out." She points to the door. "There, Camilo got hit by the broom you threw at him when he tried to impersonate me."

"I remember that last part."

"It was hilarious. But, you know, it's also in this room I got my first crush. On you."

"Ah, yes. I fell face first and got really grumpy. How romantic." You say, rolling your eyes as she laughs. You both talk for a while, recalling all your -relatively recent- memories, until the sounds of running footsteps came to your ears.

"(Y/n), Mirabel !" Antonio bursts the door open. "You're gonna be late for dinner !"

You both look at each other, panicking. It was Isabela's turn to cook tonight, and she did not tolerate any lateness.

"Uh oh." You both say before running after Antonio, as fast as you could so that you could get at least one loaf of bread before all the food was gone.

words : 1228

note : hey everyone! sorry I didn't update earlier, I had an exam this week that really took all my time. but now I'm done with about 2/3 of my exams so I'm super happy :)

hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm a bit tired so there might be more typos than usual ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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