26. I don't know...

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"Why would embracing Isabela do anything ?" Mirabel grunts as her, Bruno and you hide behing a huge potted plant, spying on Isabela's door. You don't answer, for the good reason you have no idea. Was the magic fading because of their relationship ? That seemed a bit easy. Was hugging Isabela the only thing that could save the candle ? Well, you had no other clue anyway. Mirabel might as well do it.

"I don't know, our family got a miracle, how do you help a family miracle ? You hug a sister." Bruno explains, or at least tries to explain. Mirabel and you stare at him, confused, before you finally understand what he meant. Kinda.

"You mean that since the miracle was for the family, it breaks with the family ? But, no offense, you left for ten years. Shouldn't the magic have disappeared back then ?"

He shrugs. "Eh. I never really left."

"That's not exactly what I meant-"

"MIRABEL ?! MIRA-" You shut yourself up as Camilo enters the courtyard, searching for his cousin. His power suddenly fritz, giving him a baby head... you snicker mockingly.

"miRaBELLLL !" He continues nevertheless, in a high pitched voice that makes you snort discreetly. Bruno gives you a 'really ?' look before turning to Mirabel.

"Oh, I think we're running out of time here."

"It's not gonna work. She won't hug me, ever, okay ? She hates me. Also, I don't know if you heard, I ruined her proposal. Plus..."

"Mirabel." Bruno tries, while you look at her worrying, trying to forget how cute she looked to focus on the situation.

"...it's just too anoying... Of course it's Isabela..."

"Mirabel ?" You try, placing a hand on her shoulder. She just absentmindedly takes it to play with your fingers, not even stopping her ranting.

"... and what's her problem with me anyway, she's the one with roses coming out her-"

Her what ?

"Mirabel !" Bruno talks louder, interrupting her. "Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, you see you're missing the point. The fate of the family is not up to her, it's up to you. You're exactly what this family needs. You just need to see it."

You nod aggressively.

"By yourself, after I leave."

You frantically shake your head no.

"What ?" Mirabel exclaims. "You're not coming ?"

He takes the potted plant and hides behind it to move towards his painting. You cross your arms, watching him do.

"It was your vision, Mirabel. Not mine."

"You're afraid Abuela will see you." She argues.

"Yep, I mean, yes... that too. Hey, after you save the miracle... come visit."

"After I save the miracle, I'm bringing you home." She smiles.

"Hell yeah." You add. Bruno smiles, then knocks on wood, crosses his fingers, holds his breath and falls back into the wall.

You stare at the painting for a few seconds, before noticing the candle flickering. You glance at Mirabel, who's already looking at you.

"What do I do now ?"

"Uh... You get in there and hug Isabela by surprise ?"

She considers it, but it would be impossible anyway. She would have to get past her sister's vines first. "I can't."

"Then, I'm afraid you have to apologize."

"But I didn't do anything wrong ! I ha-"

"I know, Mirabel ! But Isabela doesn't know that. And I'm sure you don't know everything about her either. You're gonna have to... talk to her. Show her you really didn't plan to ruin her proposal. But seriously, does she really want to marry Mariano ? Óscar told me he falls in love in, like, two seconds..."

"It's the perfect match, that's why she's so upset the proposal went wrong." Mirabel rolls her eyes, standing up. "I'll go in there and do what you said."

"Good luck. I love you." You breath out quickly, still not used to saying it. She smiles, hugging you tightly.

"I love you too."


"Hi, Luisa."

Luisa doesn't even have the strenght to jump in surprise. She's sat in the kitchen, looking depressed. Her eyes are lost in dark thoughts, and when you pass by, you can't help but talk to her.

"(Y/n) ? What are you doin' here ?"

"I sneaked in to chase the rats in the wall."

"Oh. Ya know where Mirabel is ?"

"Yes. She's in Isabela's room, they're talking."

"Great. Spent the night searching for her."

A silence settles between the two of you. You notice how puffy her eyes look, and slowly raise your cold ass hands to press the back of them against her irritated skin when she closes her lids. She giggles softly, and you do too. She takes your hands to place them better.

"You've been crying." You state. She sighs.

"Yeah... I'm scared for my gift. Sorry 'bout that."

"Why are you sorry ? Everyone cries. Even me, the Great (Y/n) Muñoz."

She laughs. "You cry, (Y/n) ?"

"Everytime. For everything. In my bed when I don't want to go to school in the morning. In the kitchen when I stub my toe on the foot of the table... In someone's arms when I need it."

Your hand aren't as dry as they should be. You can feel a tear escape Luisa's eye and run down your palm, and you slowly lower your hands, that she's still trying to hold into place. But she seems to have lost all her strenght. Her gift really was fading, wasn't it ? Even her facade was falling apart.

"Do you want to cry in my arms, Luisa ?"

She silently nods, and you stand up so that you can hug her while being on about the same height. She carefully hugs your waist as she cries into it softly, and you stroke her hair while humming your favorite song. It's comfortable, having her strong arms around you, and passing your fingers through her slightly tangled hair. It's like comforting Rita when she explodes, or Sol when she doubts herself. It's harder to get Esme to do that, though. And no hug session. Hand holding, at most.

"I like this song." Luisa speaks when she feels a bit better. You smile.

"It's my favorite."

The sun was now up, and you realize you spent the whole night awake. You wondered whether you were going to skip school for the first time or not. Saving the miracle seemed a bit more interesting right now.

Suddenly, you hear something crack, and a joyful voice fills your ears, making you and Luisa run out to the back of the house, to find Mirabel and Isabela dancing on the roof as the older sister grew tons of colorful flowers, something you had never seen before. They both looked so happy and excited that you couldn't help but smile. 

"What can you do when you are deeply truly madly in the moment ?" They sing, and you take Luisa's hand, engaging her in a relatively graceful dance. She laughs as she twirls you around, both of you keeping an eye on the sisters until they disappear in the courtyard.

"The way is clearer 'cause you're here and well, I owe this all to you ! What else can I do ?"

You could only hope they had hugged and that the magic was safe, because otherwise you'd be dancing with Luisa for nothing.

"Show them what you can do !"

"What else can I do ?"

"There's nothing you can't do !"

"What else can I do !"

The song ends, and with that, Luisa picks you up in a tight hug, thanking you. You head back into the house, to the courtyard, where you expect to find Mirabel and Isabela. However, someone else is present, making you scowl.

"What are you talking about ? Look at our home. Look at your sister !"

Alma Madrigal was starting to seriously get on your nerves.

words : 1287

timeless memories || mirabel madrigal X female readerWhere stories live. Discover now