34. making new memories

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"How funny. Please, keep going." You say tonelessly, watching Camilo and Óscar mimic your fall endlessly, the shapeshifter even taking your form for realism.

Yes, you tripped over one of Isabela's cacti. Yes, you did a weird ass sound, throwing your arms up in the air to try and find your balance. Yes, it did not work, resulting in you landing face first into the grass.

Nothing funny about that. You were growing more and more furious by the minute, the two of them not looking like they were about to stop at all.

"What's happening here ?" Mirabel sits next to you in the grass and hands you a plate full of arepas, immediately catching Camilo's attention. He glances back at Casita not so far away, considering stealing some food from the dinner, but prefers to go back to making fun of you. Priorities.

"I fell." You simply say, and she understands, humming in response. The both of you watch hilarious Óscar and Camilo trip over and over again, not realizing they were actually hurting themselves.

"You think they'll keep going all night ?"

"Don't know. Was funny the first time, now I'm getting frustrated." You shrug, biting on one of your arepas. Eventually, you get tired of watching them, so you just lay your head on Mirabel's lap, and she strokes your hair.

"What's even going on here." Sol sighs as she joins the four of you, soon followed by Rita, Juancho and Antonio. The four of them had formed a quartet you learned to fear. It seemed Sol had corrupted Antonio into pranking you using his animals. Rita was always up for mischief, and Juancho just liked the drama, so they both happily participated in the evil plans of your sister.

Your life became hell. Luckily, Antonio was never too mean, and Mirabel kept an eye on him, so the pranks were never too much. Sol had no sense of boundaries, and often used your memory loss to trick you, which made you laugh at first, but kind of tired you out on her tenth try to get you to give her money.

On the other hand, Rita took care of you like a little mother, making sure Sol didn't completely destroy your sanity.

"(Y/n) tripped and they're trying to make her go berserk by reacting it over and over again." Mirabel explains as you cover your eyes with your arm, acting like an agonizing damsel.

Sol snorts. Juancho does the same. He was appreciating of her evil genius, and always trietried to act the same to become her favorite minion. It did not work.

"What are you all talking about ?" Dolores sits next to you, a full plate in hand.

"Don't act like you don't already know." You groan, and she lets out a small squeak. She did eavesdrop and was here just for the drama.

"It's gonna be okay, (Y/n). Camilo likes to make fun of me too." Luisa joins you, not long after Dolores, and you can only guess the twenty-years old Madrigal told everything to her cousin already. You sigh.

"I'm fine, it's just... They won't stop, it's actually worrying. Like, do their brains work properly ?"

Mirabel laughs, still stroking your hair. You take her hand and bring it to your lips, giving it a light kiss before letting it go. She pinches your cheek playfully, and you giggle.

A cactus suddenly grows under Camilo's feet, making him trip for real, and Óscar laughs at him before the same thing happens to him.

"There, there. I made it stop." Isabela winks at you as she sits next to Luisa, accompanied by a quiet Esme. You thank her, and Camilo and Óscar finally joins your sitting circle, sulking.

"I got hurt." Camilo shows his pinky, who looks perfectly fine except for the small scratch you can barely see.

"There, there." Mirabel steals one of your precious arepas, under your outraged gaze, and throws it to her cousin, who effortlessly catches it, confused.

"You know it only works if Tía Julieta is the one to give the food." He points out, making Mirabel shrug.

"Yeah, but food is the answer to all problems."

"True, true."

You, the kids, continue to talk for a bit before Bruno joins, discreetly. You finally sit up to whisper in his ear.

"Tired from the adults ?"

He nods. Those kind of family reunions between the Muñoz, Madrigals and Guzmáns were always funny, but he usually preferred to hang out with the kids when the adults talked about boring things.

"Welcome to the cool gang, Tío Bruno." Mirabel greets him with a gentle push on the shoulder, smoothly wrapping her arm around your shoulder in the process.

"I see you." You smile at her before circling her waist with your arm and snuggling into her warmth. It was starting to get chilly, the sun was setting down.

"Aye, mi amor ! There you are." Mariano then joins your group and sits next to Dolores, resulting in Óscar exaggeratedly sighing.

Soon enough, your father is here too, for the same reason as Bruno. Then, it's Agustín's turn, closely followed by Félix who was searching for his friends.

"It's okay, mamí !" You hear Pepa say in the distance after a while of talking and joking around. "I found them !"

And there she was, standing a few meters away, hands on her hips with a small smile. "We were wondering where everyone disappeared, but it seems like they just like hanging out with the kids more."

"Come on, Pepí-" Félix starts, going up to her, but she cuts him off.

"No, no, no. We were about to start dancing and suddenly nobody was here ! Everyone go back inside right now." She says, faking a threatening tone, and you all hurry back to Casita, laughing along.

"Dolores, don't you think I don't know you perfectly heard us search for all of you." You hear Pepa whisper to her daughter, who giggles nervously.

"She wanted to stay with the gang, Tía." You intervene, confusing her.

"The gang ?"

Dolores takes your hand and you both run away inside Casita, catching up to the others. As you arrive in the courtyard, music starts playing, and you find Mirabel to bust your best moves and impress her. It does not really work, because she's as much of a good dancer than you are, and she can easily match your level.

The twins, Antonio and Juancho -who wasn't invited, by the way- start trying to imitate you, miserably so. You were the shining stars of the party after all. Even Esme joins for a moment, and you twirl her around, making her let out a laugh.

For the rest of the night, you dance with Mirabel, Óscar, who was now your second bestfriend (Mirabel may have been upgraded to the rank of girlfriend, she was still your bestfriend) and Camilo, Mirabel and you's number one supporter. And maybe your friend too, when he didn't make fun of you falling.

This night was surely going to be one of your best memories.

words : 1182

note : so the end of the story may be coming up soon :) if you've got some ideas for the next chapters, you can comment them and I'll insert them if possible!

thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

timeless memories || mirabel madrigal X female readerWhere stories live. Discover now