20. some green shards...

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"That wasn't too bad." You comment, getting up from the floor where you had landed face first after losing your balance. You had successfully swung to the other side of the gap. As you wipe some sand off your cheek, Mirabel stomps her foot on the floor in victory.

Bad idea. You hear a few cracks below you as you pull Mirabel away from the ledge just before it breaks, falling onto the ground all the way down. You both fall back onto the floor, where you seem to be spending your whole life, and Mirabel accidentally elbows your stomach. As you both forget to move, in shock from the potential death you just dodged, you realize if she keeps unconsciously pressing into your tummy like that you would probably vomit the little of breakfast you had eaten.

"Comfortable ?" You ask, and she finally moves, apologizing. You fail to see her bright-red cheeks, too busy getting closer to the edge to see how far the ground was. You liked to scare yourself.

"Uh, anyway !" Mirabel claps to get your attention. "Let's see what we can find in there."


You both advance in the corridor, and you look at the walls with curious eyes. They seem to display how Bruno's visions happen. As you step closer to see better, Mirabel knocks a pot over. She squeaks when a few rats get out of it, startled, to a relief statue of Bruno. You don't have more time to look at it as you hear a crack, directing your attention to a huge door leading to a dark room.

"How mysterious." You wiggle your eyebrow as you nudge Mirabel, making her roll her eyes and walk in there without any more anticipation. You follow her, careful not to break anything or trigger some hidden trap. This place did seem like something out of an adventure movie, the kind of cave you don't get out of except if you're a man whose first name is Indiana and surname is Jones.

The room is a dead end, with a circle of sand in the middle. Confused, you and Mirabel step further into it to investigate.

"Empty..." She murmurs, just as a gust of wind -where it came from, you did not know- shuts the door, making you facepalm.

"Ah. The classical 'you're trapped in' trope. Mira, we're going to die, I fear."

She laughs, trying not to panic. "Shut up and look at this." She points to a glowing thing at her feet, that seem to be buried in the sand. She crouches down to pick it up, and you walk to her to see what she found. A greenish shard of glass, that still glows slightly. Was that the vision ? You couldn't see much.

"What's hurting the magic ?" She whispers to herself, but you still shrug as you look around.

"Hey, it looks like there's some more." You hurry to pick up another one, and Mirabel does the same. You both collect a few, before trying to put them together like a puzzle. It does work, revealing someone...

"Me ?" Mirabel lets out, before everything goes wrong. The cavern starts to shake, burying the remaining shards even more.

"I called it. Death, it is." You sigh, trying to get to them as fast as possible as Mirabel shoves them into her bag. The cavern falls apart around you, and you decide to try to open the door, something you probably should have done before things started to get even more dangerous. It's locked, of course. The handle doesn't work. You try to kick it as you shout at Mirabel to hurry up. She collects the last piece and comes to help. At the moment you're almost completely buried into the waves of sand that keep coming, you try jiggling the handle again.

The door finally opens, and the both of you are carried out of the room by a wave of sand, back to the edge you almost fell from not so long ago.

Mirabel looks at the shards before her, confused and upset. "What does it mean ?"

"Hey." you pat her shoulder. "You don't know, maybe this means you'll play an important part in saving the magic. For now, we have to get out, and quick."


Somehow you made it out of Bruno's tower, brushed out the sand off you the best you could, and ran out of the room only to bump into none other than Abuela. You silently curse as you flash her the most polite smile you could.

"Uch, where are you coming from in such a hurry ?"

"I'm sorry," Mirabel starts. "I was-"

"What's in your hair- Oh, (Y/n) ?"

"Good afternoon, Señora Madrigal."

"What a pleasure to have you here ! What were you and Mirabel doing ?"

"Oh, uh..."

Just as she narrows her eyes, looking suspicious of you, Luisa arrives and saves the day... by crying.

"My gift ! I'm losing my gift !"

"What ?" Her Abuela completely turns away from the both of you, concerned.

"Mirabel and I were having this little talk about me carrying too much, so I tried not to carry so much but I realized it was putting me behind and I knew I was gonna let everyone down and I felt really bad so I was grabbing all the donkeys but then when I went to throw the donkeys in the barn, they were... Heavy !"

"Oh no !" You gasp, worried for Luisa as she runs off, crying. Abuela turns to Mirabel, furious.

"What did you do ? What did you say to her ?"

"Nothing. I, I don't-"


"Maybe she just told Luisa to take a break, which isn't that serious compared to the real problem: the magic is fading, and Luisa's gift might just be the beginning." You intervene, and Abuela just stares at you, considering whether to consider you a threat to her authority or appreciate your straightforwardness like she did the first time she met you.

The town's bell rings, giving her no time to decide. She sighs. "Ach, I have to go get the Guzmans for Isabela's engagement. Stay away from Luisa until I can talk to her. Tonight we can't have any more problems. And whatever you're doing, stop doing it !"

She heads off. You frown.

"Mirabel, I have come to a great conclusion. You'll be proud of me for figuring that out, I think."

She looks at you, not expecting much. "What ?"

"Your Abuela definitely does not have a crush on me."

words : 1086

timeless memories || mirabel madrigal X female readerWhere stories live. Discover now