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Here are some episodes of your life with Mirabel and your family until the final chapters that are to come.

2 years later again. You and Mirabel are 19.

"What ?" You and Mirabel both exclaim.

"What." Esme raises an eyebrow, asking about your reaction.

"You got a girlfriend ?" You smile, ready to explode in joy.

"Yeah. No big deal. Don't make a fuss about it."

"Okay." You calm yourself, at least seemingly. "What's her name ?"

She sighs. "Her name shall remain secret, for you can not keep your mouth shut. And I told you, it's no big deal. We're fourteen, there's almost no chance we last long. You're one of the exceptions." She eyes the two of you. 

"Understood." You nod sternly, and wait until Esme leaves your room.

"Oh my god, (Y/n) !" Mirabel jumps up and down, and you do the same.

"I know ! We absolutely have to find out who this is."

"Sure thing."


"What do you think, Dad ?" You show him your new painting, and he sits down, extending his hand for you to give the artwork to him. 

He now did that everytime you showed him a new creation, and commented what he loved about it as well as what he disliked. You cared for his honest opinion, and you sometimes spent hours debating on what something might have meant. It was your favorite moments with your dad.

"Mija, you drew Mirabel again. What can I say except that it's perfect."

"I know her face by heart." You smile.

"As I did when I used to paint your mother's portrait."

"You never do this anymore."

"People don't want her portrait hanging in their living-room, even though we both know she's gorgeous. Unfortunately, wasn't going to bring much money."

"You can draw her just once. I'm sure she'll love it."

He looks in the distance, where your mother is playing around with Rita. A smile makes its way to his lips. "Good idea, mija."


2 years later again. You and Mirabel are 21.

"Come on, Mira ! Show me." You both laugh as you fight, you to see what was written on the paper her and Camilo kept passing to each other. They weren't very discreet.

"Camilo ! Help !" Mirabel calls out for her cousin, who didn't care at all. He just shrugs with a smirk as she keeps struggling against your taller figure.

"Gimme that !" You finally catch the paper, before unfolding it as Mirabel dramatically fell to the floor, exhausted.

"When are you planning to tell her about the job ?" Was first written in Camilo's handwriting.

timeless memories || mirabel madrigal X female readerWhere stories live. Discover now