29. never woke up so confused in my life -for as long as I can remember-

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You were sitting on your bed, awkwardly looking at what you thought was your family.

A small but tough-looking woman, a tall lanky man with paint under his nails, a thin girl with big, wise eyes and two identical-looking little girls, one looking messier than the other. She was also the one who hugged you.

Behind them silently stood the beautiful girl that was previously sleeping next to your bed. She had kept quiet ever since your 'parents' had ran into the room, euphoric, and was now looking at you with the widest smile, waiting for you to speak, say something. You feel a sort of longing when you see her, but you don't know why. It is that yearning that made you think you had loved her before... well, forgetting who you were. It frustrated you. You didn't know why you loved this girl, but you were still attracted to her.

"(Y/n), how do you feel ?" Your mother sits next to you on your bed, making you smile nervously.


"You've been unconscious for almost two weeks !" The twin with messy hair scowls.

"You sure took your sweet time." The other comments with a smug smile.

"They both missed you and cried every night." The older girl says with an exhausted sigh.

"You scared us here." Your father smiles slightly. You feel like he's a bit awkward around you.

"I'm so sorry." You blurt out, not knowing what else to say. You had to tell them as soon as you could so that they wouldn't hope for too long. "I don't remember."

A small silence. You see the beautiful girl tilt her head slightly, looking worried and sad, as if she had already guessed.

"What do mean ?" Your mother giggles anxiously, squeezing your hand. "(Y/n)-"

"I don't remember anything. I... I didn't even know my name when I woke up. I am so, so sorry..." Tears fill your eyes as they can't seem to detach from that girl, who looks heartbroken.

Your mother engulfs you into a hug, and you snuggle into her, feeling safe in her arms. You take in her scent, a scent you like, a scent that smells like home. Home was something you couldn't define yet, but this woman was part of it.

A small hand squeezes yours, and you see one of the twins looking up at you with a small smile, tears running down her cheeks.

"Nice to meet you." She nervously puts her messy hair behind her ear. "I'm Rita, I'm your sister. I am seven years old."

She doesn't let go of your hand, gripping it tightly as if she was scared you would go again and never come back this time. Also asking you to remember her, but you're unable to do that.

"Hi, Rita." You murmur, ruffling her hair. She smiles.

"You always used to do that."

"Yeah, and that was annoying." Her twin advances, taking your other hand. "I'm Sol, your favorite sister. You owe me tons of money, too."

"Sol !" Your mother protests, but you laugh at her joke and ruffle her hairhair, making her click her tongue with an eye roll, the tears she tried to contain escaping and rolling down her cheeks.

"I'm Esme." The last girl simply said, standing in front of you. "Can I kiss your nose ?"

"What ?"

"She doesn't like physical contact." Your mother whispers. "This is the closest to a hug you'll get from her."

"Oh... Okay, yes, you can." You lean over to her and she quickly plants a kiss on the tip of your nose.

"Are you hungry ? I should cook you something. We struggled to feed you for the past weeks, but now you'll finally be able to eat something solid." Your father stands up.

timeless memories || mirabel madrigal X female readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora