06. the sound of the pouring rain was so loud

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"Alright everyone, I'm not inspired, so y'all just get into groups of three and switch drawings every ten minutes. I tried it with my friends, and trust me it was fun. If your friends draw well, that is, because if that's not the case then they'll just ruin your drawing..."

You art teacher, Mrs Melendez, was a weird woman. She was also your role model. You liked her class, two hours every Wednesday afternoon. She always took interest in everyone's artwork, giving genuine feedback. Thanks to her, you had improved a lot.

Since your class consisted of fourteen students, you thought that the two students left would form a duo, and you expected it to be Mirabel and you. The Madrigal was also waiting for that to happen, and she moved over to sit next to you. But one person suddenly sat in front of the both of you, surprising you.

"Can I work with you ?" Camilo asked with expectation. "I love your drawings, (Y/n). And I want to spend some time with my prima and her new friend."

You look at Mirabel as he patiently waits for an answer. You didn't see a problem in Camilo being part of your group. Your best friend did, fearing his shenanigans, but shrugged it off nevertheless. She knew Camilo really did like your art, and maybe he'd appreciate getting a few tips from you since he didn't seem to click with the teacher.

"Alright then !" You smile, and all of you get to your drawing. You start with the sketch of a butterfly, inspired by the small embroidery Mirabel had on her shoulder.

"TEN MINUTES !" Mrs Melendez yells from her desk. She was busy drawing in her sketchbook herself, sighing loudly from time to time as she searched for inspiration.

You switch drawings, giving yours to Mirabel and getting Camilo's : he had started drawing a face and a body, but the eyes were missing : he probably didn't have enough time.

"Oh, that's pretty." You comment, making him shoot his head up with a smile.

"Yeah ? Thank you. But I can't seem to get the eyes good. I always struggle to do them."

"I can show you how I do them, if you'd like."

Mirabel smiles as her cousin attentively follows your instructions, copying the steps you showed him on the drawing she just handed him. She had been drawing the start of a house, and the eyes Camilo drew could make it seem like people were watching it from above, hidden in the sky.

When you finish drawing the eyes, you add a few details to the face and the hair Camilo had already made. The character's body was sitting down, so you start adding a few elements of a scenery, making it lean on a rock and sketching the outline of a small lake.

"SWITCH, THE, DRAWINGS !" Mrs Melendez chants, making you giggle. She was crazy.

You add shadows to Camilo's eye drawings, making them more menacing, and the house look smaller. Then, you draw a small person in front of the house, their back facing you. They seemed rather intimidated.

After ten other minutes, you get your original drawing back to see Mirabel had drawn some smoke around the butterfly, and Camilo made the smoke come from the flame of a small, dying candle.

You connect a few lines so that it looks like the butterfly is formed by the smoke and no longer real. You start to get bored, so you draw a few smaller butterflies.

The drawings are switched once again, and you get Camilo's drawing again : Mirabel drew a forest around it, and Camilo added small details to everything. But still, something was missing.

"I'm gonna draw a giant frog in that pond." You whisper, making Mirabel giggle and Camilo widen his eyes, then consider the idea, and finally find it really good.

"You may proceed." He allows you to do it, and you get to work. Meanwhile, they start coloring the other drawings, Mirabel coloring the butterfly, and Camilo paints the house's drawing's sky black.

For the rest of the two hours, the three of you chat happily while coloring in different colors, ways and places everytime.

The house Mirabel gave many colors to looked out of the black and white world Camilo and you painted. The butterflies were all different colors, Mirabel having added some more. As for the forest with the giant frog, it was mostly green except for the character's clothes, that Camilo decided to color blue.

You were quite proud of yourselves as Mrs. Melendez collected your drawings, telling you about the real, new project you'd begin with the next week.

"Thanks for the tips, (Y/n). Now I can become a great artist like you." Camilo says, exaggeratedly praising you.

"Why, you're welcome. It's not easy being as talented as me. Ask Mirabel, it took her weeks to get used to it."

Mirabel giggles, embarrassed at the compliment, before matching your extravagant attitude. "It was a nightmare."

Just as she says the last word, a thunderbolt splits the sky in two, making the whole class gasp in unity. Everyone silently listens as a strong wind starts blowing against the windows, rain menacing to pour down from the cloud that suddenly formed above the Encanto.

Everybody knew where that was coming from.

"Mamà." Camilo whispers, worriedly playing with the hem of his ruana. Mirabel nervously bites her lip, flinching as the raindrops come violently crashing into the window.

"Oh, no." Mirabel mumbles. You gently slip your hand in hers and she squeezes it as Camilo's face gradually gets paler.

"Uh oh." Mrs Melendez says plainly, looking at the sky with a slightly worried scowl. "Guys, I think you'll have to stay inside until it's finished. It's gonna get violent outside."

"It's already violent outside. I just saw a chair fly by." Rosa comments, sighing. Your day of school was almost done, and now you were stuck inside, which wasn't good news for your class.

"Calm down, Camilo. Tío Félix is going to calm her down." Mirabel nudges her cousin, but he doesn't budge. He had tensed up a lot, and you could see he cared for him mom a lot.

As everyone gathered in front of the window, he walked backwards, unoticed by everyone but Mirabel and you. She backs down as well, pulling you with her as she was still holding your hand.

Silently, the three of you escape the classroom, the sound of the heavy rain covering your footsteps.

"I have to go help my mom." Camilo states.

"Not alone," Mirabel affirms. "I'm coming with you. (Y/n), stay here and cover for us."

"Ah !" You exclaim, putting your hands on your hips. "No way. I'm coming to die with you in this storm."

Camilo considers the idea while Mirabel frowns. "No, (Y/n), that's actually quite dangerous out there."

"So what ? We're best friends now. I told you you can't refuse my help." You raise an eyebrow and she hesitates, visibly concerned for your mental health.

"We... We still need someone to cover up for us if Mrs Melendez finds out we're gone."

"I'll do it." Óscar suddenly appears, leaning against the doorframe. He was always willing to help. "You guys go. You'll need someone strong like (Y/n) to survive in this weather."

All of you go silent, looking at Mirabel as she thinks it over. After a few seconds, she looks at you with a small smile, extending her hand towards you.

"Alright, chica. Let's go."

words : 1261

timeless memories || mirabel madrigal X female readerWhere stories live. Discover now