23. the smell of coffee ?

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"Hey there." You sit next to Óscar, which you had spotted when you gave a random adult the banner your mother had made. On it was written a big 'Felicidades'.

"Isn't that my favorite Muñoz." The boy sighs, leaning against the tree behind him.

"I would be concerned if you liked my sisters more than me, considering we're in the same class."

"I was tryna find a nice thing to say about you."

"Very funny, Guzmán. Why aren't you in there with your grandma and brother ? He's getting engaged."

He snorts. "I don't want to listen to him recite shitty poems all night. Waiting outside is may more preferable."

You weren't sure Mariano would have the time to say those poems, though. The dinner had too many chances to turn into a big disaster.

"Eh. Let's hope it goes well, I guess."

He shrugs. "I don't know. This dumbass barely ever talked to Isabela Madrigal. I think they need to get to know each other before getting married."

"Oh." You let out, surprised. "I never thought of it like that."

He sighs, trying to find a more comfortable position against the tree. "Mariano isn't the brightest, you see. He has a tendency to attach to people he doesn't know, based purely on appearances, and get heartbroken everytime."

"Damn. That sucks."

"At least he gets inspiration for his poems. Doesn't make them better, though."

You both sit in silence, watching the sun settle over Casita. It was starting to get dark when a familiar kid came up to you.

"Juancho, my guy !" You greet the coffee kid, who was, as usual, accompanied by his iconic cup.

"Hola (Y/n), want some coffee ?"

"Yeah !"

"Well, go get it yourself." He gives you a smug smile as he sits in between you and Óscar, sipping on his cup.

"Bitc- I don't like coffee anyway." You give him a superior look. He just shakes his head in disapproval.

"So, you grown ups, what do you think about love ?" The child says, raising a questioning eyebrow. You straighten your posture, rather proud of being called a grown up. Óscar gives you a weird look.

"Love doesn't exist." He answers. "It's just something people invented to reassure themselves and think someone will always support them. But it's false, there'll always be a point where the one you think loves you abandons you."

"That's what you think ?" You look at his unfazed face.

"Mhmm. I'm pessimistic, I know."

"What do you think, (Y/n) ?" Juancho continues.

"I think love, as in romantic love, is dangerous. You have to trust someone with your feelings, and you always end up hurt in a way. But I'm willing to try."

You say the last sentence dreamily, catching Óscar's attention. He narrows his eyes at you, watching you nervously glancing over to Casita from time to time.

"Camilo ?!" He almost chokes on his own saliva, jumping on his feet.

"No !" You exclaim.

"Mirabel." Juancho tells the evidence, and Óscar sits back.

"Oh. I didn't know you were-"

"Óscar, I have a confession. I am gay. A lesbian."

He jokingly shoots you a death glare. "Estupida. I fucking guessed, no need to tell me now."

timeless memories || mirabel madrigal X female readerWhere stories live. Discover now