Chapter 17

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Break free

I can't get out of this,I am afraid I need to finish this in order peacefully?
I'm locked in a cage and I can't break free.
I'm trapped inside this dark world.
I'm sorry my love,you might wanna leave for now.
1 week later

Stephanie's Pov

Okay,if that's the only way out than be it.
I called Eldy,to get down to business.

S:Okay,Eldy if that's the only way out than let's do it.I'll go back to Lebanon,but Carl must not know about this.And look what we have to do.......
E:Okay,deal that's way easier than I expected.
S:Can you call for the BTS members?

Few seconds later the six boys came.

S:Okay listen what we've got to do.
Namjoon;you'll keep an eye on him.
Jin;you can hack his company; cameras and computers.
J-hope;you'll get all the men and guns we need.
Suga;you have to collaborate with him,in order to make him fall for the trap.
Jimin and V;you'll stay with me in case..

S:You got your positions right?
BTS:Yes we did.
S:Okay,thank you guys again for this I will never forget this.I really appreciate it,if pull threw this peacefully,I'll give you a big surprise.
You may take your positions now.

The six boys went to their positions.As for this guy.

S:And you are doing a great job,keep up the good work.
??:Thank you.Tell me do you know that he is planning to kill you too?
S:I know.
??:And you're hi onna let him?
S:That asshole can try but he'll never win.
S:It's okay,don't worry.I have a strong team.Now are you thirsty?I got you your favorite.
??:You did?*sparkling eyes*.
S:Yes kookie,I never forget your banana milk.I bought you 10 gallons, in the refrigerator.

k:Can I trust you?Do I believe you?

k:Can I trust you?Do I believe you?

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Meanwhile with Carl.

C:I really don't know how can I do that to my woman.I just can't afford to lose her.....Damn why did it have to come to this?

1 week later

Carl's Pov

I was playing with David while tears were falling from my eye.Suddenly David placed his tiny hands on my face,I smiled sadly and kissed his hand.

C:My baby,I don't know what to do.You are a gift from your mom to me,how can I kill her.You guys are my life.

Suddenly I heard the main door opening.I took David in my arms and went downstairs,I saw my baby.She ran to me and hugged me as well as David.

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