The Spider's Daughter chapter 2

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A little bit more on May Parker! Enjoy!


Chapter 2

"Girl, that was amazing!"

"You've said that. Multiple times."

"But it was!" Cas gushed. "You were awesome!"

"Would you shut up already, Cas? I get it! I've got superpowers. Get over it!" I was almost starting to wish I didn't have powers. Almost.

"Fine. Heeeeey, you need a costume!" Cas decided suddenly.

"I've already thought of that Cas. I think I'll go to the Reed Richards. My dad had Johnny over the other day, and he told me I could come over any time." Cas was staring.

"You mean you've got an invitation to the Baxter building?!?" Oh yeah. I had forgotten Cas had a crush on Franklin Richards, Reed and Susan's son.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. " I'll ask if I can bring a friend-" I was cut off as I was crushed in a bear hug. "Jeez, Cas, are you sure it wasn't you who got the superpowers?" I joked. We both laughed, and I hopped off the bus at her house.

When she looked at me funny, I said "It's Friday, remember? I'm spending the night. And I need an excuse for being out late."

"Fine, but don't forget to ask about me!" I smiled and held up a slip of paper. "I won't. I'm calling right now."

We walked into the house, and I picked up the phone. It rang a few times, then Johnny picked it up.


"Hi, Johnny, it's May."

"Hey May! How are you?"

"I'm great. So listen, I was wondering if your invitation still stands...?"

"Sure! I'm guessing this isn't to be talked about in front of Mr. Spider?"

"No," I said laughing. Cas waved her hand in front of my face and started jumping up and down. "Hey, Johnny, um I've got a friend who'd like to come too..."

"May? Does she know?"

"Yes. She came in while I was just figuring out how to do some stuff."

"Well, I suppose. Reed might get me later, but I'm sure it's fine. Let me guess. She likes Franklin?"

I laughed. "Sure does! So, I'll be over in about half an hour?"

"Sounds good to me!"

"'Kay, see you!"

I hung up the phone. "Let's go! Umm... But what about your mom?"

"She's not going to be home tonight, but maybe we should write a note just in case." She scribbled something on a scrap of paper and set it on the table. We walked out the door laughing, and we joked the whole way to the headquarters of the Fantastic Four.

We walked into the giant lobby. "May I help you?" a guy in a fancy dress up suit asked us.

"Yeah, Johnny Storm is expecting us?" I said nervously.

He sighed. "And so is every other person who walks in-"

"May! Finally! I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever show up!" The man at the desk stared at us in wonder as the Human Torch led us into the elevator.

"So, May, tell me the truth. Did it happen?"

I gave a wicked smile and jumped up to the ceiling. "Do I have to say anything?"

He laughed, and so did Cas. I dropped back to the floor as the elevator reached the top floor. There was a ding, and the doors opened to a luxurious... Apartment? Lab? Some kind of cross of the two.

"Johnny," a stern voice called out, "Where'd you put the keys? "

"Reed, you know you don't let me fly the car!"

"That doesn't mean you don't fly it anyways! Now where are they?"

"Reed, we have company!"

"Johnny... Oh hi, girls. May! Is that you?" I nodder. "Gosh, you've grown up! So, what brings you to the Baxter Building? And who's this?"

"Mr. Richards, this is my friend Cas, and as for why I'm here..."

"Psst!" Johnny stage-whispered, "Show him!"

I grinned, and complied, jumping halfway across the room, landing delicately on a slim rod extending from a big satellite-looking machine in the center or the room.

"Ah, but that doesn't exain why you're here, unless you're coming to me for a physical!"

I smile wider. "Nope! I need a suit, and I was hoping you would help me."

"I suppose this means you are going to be a hero, and that your dad doesn't know about it?"

"Uh, yeah. He doesn't even know that I have powers yet."

Reed smiled. "Sure, I'll make you a suit. Once Sue gets home, I'll have her meshed you and you can tell her what you want it to look like. Johnny, Wouod you keep them company?"

"Reporting for baby-sit duty, sir!"

"Hey!" me and Cas protested. He laughed, and led us to another room.

An hour or two later, Susan Storm got home. She was pretty, with blonde hair and blue eyes. There were a few strands of gray in her hair, and a few wrinkles around her eyes, but she still looked young. When she first came into the room, she yelled at Johnny for almost burning the house down (he had been showing us his powers), then turned to us. "Hello, May, it's nice to see you again. You know, you really shouldn't encourage him."

He smiled and made weird faces behind his sister's back. Johnny may have been almost forty, but he acted like a high-schooler.

Sue started talking again. "So, May, Reed tells me you want a suit. Do you have any ideas?"

"Actually, I do. I want it to be red and blue, like Dad's, but I want the pattern to be different. I don't want the blue belt, or the red arms. I'd like the arms and legs to be blue, with red boots and the gloves to be mostly red, with the middle finger blue. If there could be a blue stripe going down my side, I'd like that. And black spiders on the front and back. Like this." I slid a drawing I had done a while ago across the table. Sue looked at it.

"You've put quite a lot of thought into this, haven't you?" I shrugged, and she smiled. "I'll get Reed working on this right away, and I'll have Johnny deliver it when it's ready. Reed told me you didn't want your dad to know."

"Thanks, Mrs. Storm."


I smiled back at her. We talked a bit more, and we were about to leave, when she stopped us. "It's a long ride home, and expensive too. Let me drive you."

We followed her to the roof, and she pulled out the Fantastic Four's flying car.

"Umm, won't people notice a flying car landing in my driveway?" Cas asked.

"No, we'll go in stealth mode."

And we did,'even though 'stealth mode' sounded really cheesy, and comic-book-like, it worked, and we arrived home unnoticed. Cas's mom still wasn't home, so we were good. But Cas was freaking out.

"I can't believe that you know the Fantastic Four! I can't believe we got to ride home in their car!" and on and on. When I reminded her that she knew the Fantastic Four too, and was invited back, she just about fainted.


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