The Spider's Daughter chapter 11

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I'm starting to think that I very well may be a little tiny bit obsessed! What do you think?


Chapter 11

The door creaked slightly as it opened, and I stepped inside. "Anybody home?" I called, and no one answered. Well, that would make sense. It was 2:00 on a weekday. They would be at work, and Dad would swing for a while before he came home. I had the house to myself for a little while. I walked into the kitchen and turned on the sink, grabbed a glass, and got a drink.

Heavy footsteps clunked on the front porch.

[Who is that?]

"I don't know."

Keys rattled in the lock, and I tensed, before I realized my spider-sense wasn't really going off. Dad? But what was he doing home right now? Didn't he swing after work? The door opened and I decided to play a little trick.

I jumped up and clung to the ceiling, facing down. My dad walked in, still in his work clothes. He walked to the fridge and opened it. I dropped lightly to the ground, the ten foot drop so easy I didn't make a sound. I slowly and quietly made my way to my father's back. At the last minute, I launched myself at him. His spider-sense gave him enough time to grab the sides of the fridge, but if he hadn't, I would have bowled him over. He took a step back and wrestled me over his shoulder.

"May!" he shouted when he finally saw my face. "What was that for?"

I smiled wickedly. "It was for fun! I can't believe I finally snuck up on you!" I had been trying for years, but I had never been able to.

"Um, by the way, what are you wearing?" Oh. I still hadn't changed out of my black suit.

"Oh, this is my suit. Um... The reason it's like this is part of the reason I came home." I debated wether I should tell him now or wait until Mom got home. Then I realized Mom would freak out. "There was an... Incident at school. One I the girls, Kayla, kind went insane and attacked me. She could manipulate fire, and my suit got a little... Charred. Thankfully, Reed made it fireproof, so I didn't die."

"Die? Why in the world did she attack you?" I knew he was going to ask that. I didn't want to tell the truth, that she attacked because she was jealous, but I didn't want to lie. I sighed, and closed my eyes.

"She was jealous. She really liked my boyfriend, Jake, and she was really mad when we started going out. I guess she just sort of snapped. And because I had her dream guy, she attacked me."

I tensed slightly, expecting Dad to start talking about boyfriends, and how the risk of me running into and getting on the bad side of some insane maniac was too great, and I'd have to stay inside for the rest of my life, but I was surprised when he chuckled a little bit.

"You're just like me, May. I always manage to somehow get on the wrong side of all those maniacs. It might have something to do with how I'm always getting in their way... Making wisecracks." He smiled at me, and I knew I'd be fine. He understood.


"Yeah, May?"

"What are we going to do about Mom?"

Three hours later:

"May! You are never going out again! Go up to your room, and stay there! Don't even think about sneaking out!" Mom was mad, just like I thought she would be. I stomped up the stairs.

"MJ," I heard Dad say, and Mom interrupted.

"Don't 'MJ' me! May was almost killed!"

"It comes with being a hero! There are bad guys out there, and we're the ones who fight them! That comes with risks!"

"But Peter! It's our daughter!"

"I know, MJ, but we can't change it. She got my powers. Wether we like it or not, she's going to get out there. She's going to do what's right. She's going to help people, and I'm proud of her. MJ, May's grown up."

"I-" Mom started, then stopped. I heard her crying, and I went the rest of the way up the stairs. In my room, I contemplated the conversation. I started feeling kind of guilty. My mom was left at home every day while my dad and I were out risking our lives.

A couple minutes later, Mom walked through my door. "May, I'm sorry for yelling. I just worry so much!"

"I know Mom. And I'm sorry I make you worry so much." She came over and sat beside me. Her eyes were a little red, and she sniffed every once in a while.

"Mom? I have an idea."


So, May's back home. D'you like it so far? Wha'd'ya think? Comment and vote!

The Spider's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora