The Spider's Daughter chapter 4

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So, you guys wanted some more, so here it is!


Chapter 4

I looked down on the dark, dirty alley, and saw the men. They were surrounding a young woman, and not for any good reasons. I turned my head back to my father, and he nodded. I jumped into the empty air, spinning so I'd land on my feet. The muggers turned around, and I grinned behind my mask.

"Boys, you forgot to invite me!" Okay, I'll admit, not the best thing to say, but it's better than nothing!

I started throwing punches, kicks, and webs. This was a test. My dad wanted to see how well I could do on my own, and if I passed, he might let me out on my own. Maybe. But it was worth a shot. Mom and Dad were watching me so closely, I almost felt embarrassed taking a shower. I hadn't tried to sneak out, though. That would just make my situation worse. I knew that if I behaved, I would lose the constant surveillance.

My spider-sense brought me back to the presence, as I dodged a man's fist. The dim light glinted off the sharp blade he held in his hand. This game just got a whole lot more serious. I jumped and snapped my leg out, hitting him under the chin. I took the last guy out with a punch to the temple.

The woman who they were attacking stood by the wall. "Ma'am. Pleased to have been of service." I bowed theatrically, and she finally got her voice back.

"May? It's me! Cas!"

"Cas! What the heck are you doing out here?"

"I got a job, remember? I was working late, and they chased me in here..."

"May, what's going on?" Dad lowered himself down on a web, and even though I couldn't see his face, I could tell he was mad. I wasn't supposed to let anyone know who I was. Besides the people who knew my dad, like the FF.

"Dad, Cas found out the day I got my powers. It was an accident, and I'm sorry, but it just happened. I didn't try to tell her." I was pleading now. The trust I had worked for so hard could all be flushed down the toilet right now.

Dad sighed. "I would be really angry, but the same thing happened to me. Your mother was kidnapped by... Oh, some villain. He got my mask off when we were fighting, and she found out. I'm glad she did, though, or else we wouldn't have met." We all stood around for a little while, then Dad nodded at the roof.

"We should probably get going."

"'Kay, see you, Cas!"

"Bye, Spidergirl!"

We were both laughing when I jumped off the ground.

The next day:

"Dad, I'm going to the Baxter Building."

"Umm... Why?" He was sitting in his chair, eating breakfast and reading the Daily Bugle. We made the front page.

"I want to ask Mr. Richards what exactly he made my suit able to do. We know it's fireproof, but I want to know what else. Plus, I want to see Johnny again." Johnny was fun. We liked talking.

"Okay, you can go. D'you need money?"

"No, I was thinking about going a faster way."

He sighed. "Fine, but when you get there, don't let anyone see who you are."

"Dad," I said as I walked out, "Nobody spies on Reed Richards."

Soon, I was in costume, swinging through the streets. My clothes were in a web pouch slung across my back, seeing as how my suit didn't have any pockets. I reveled in the speed and strength I was capable of, but my mind was distant. I was thinking about last night. About Cas.

It was spring now, and I had been Spidergirl all winter. I had quit volley ball, and I barely payed attention in school. I did my homework, and got good grades, but all thanks to the brain I'd inherited from my dad. I hardly talked to my friends anymore, and I was becoming a sort of lone wolf.

My thoughts were interrupted when I landed on of the Baxter Building's windows. They were darkly tinted, but I was picking up the vibrations of a conversation. I knocked.

A window opened. "Spidergirl, what a pleasant surprise." It was Reed.

"Hi, Mr. Richards." I said, as I crawled in.

"Please, call me Reed. You can call all of us by our first names. You know us well enough."

"Okay, thanks." Wow. I was on first-name terms with the Fantastic Four!

"May, I'd like you to meet Professor Charles Xavier," he said, motioning to a bald man in a wheel chair.

"Uh, Mr- Reed, people aren't really supposed to know who I am..." Normally he would remember that.

<Yes, and he does. But I'm different.>

I raised my eyebrow, but with my mask on, they didn't see it. I pulled it off. "What was that?"

"Prof. Xavier is a mutant. He can read minds. That's why I told him your name, because he would have found out anyways."

"Well, nice to meet you, Professor." I held out my hand and he shook it.

"It's nice to meet you too, May. Your father is Spiderman, I assume?"

"Don't you already know?" I joked.

"I do now, but you need to think about it, or I need to directly search your mind, which I don't like to do without permission. For now, unless you invite me back, I'll stay out of your mind."

"Thanks, Prof. So, what are you professor of?"

"I run a school for mutants. I would invite you, but I'm not sure you'd like to come. You have powers, but you're not a mutant."

"No. My dad was-"

"Bitten by a radioactive spider, yes." he finished for me, then continued. "But, you inherited his power, you weren't bitten by the spider. I believe that your powers are slightly different that his. You have the spider-sense, and the strength, agility, and the webs, but I think I heard you thinking about... Vibrations, when you were outside?" Hmm. He'd been eavesdropping.

"Yeah. If I touch something, like a window, I can pick up vibrations. Sometimes, I can make out a word or two, but never that much."


Then Reed spoke up. "Why exactly did you come May?"

"Oh! I wanted to know more about my suit."

"Come this way!" and we walked out, in one case wheeled out, listening to Reed talk about molecules, and other smart sounding stuff that I couldn't really make heads nor tails out of. I did understand that he thought it might be bulletproof, but he wasn't 100% sure, and that it was similar to their suits, keeping the temperature regulated, and a few other cool things.

Before I left, Prof. Xavier asked if he could come to talk to my parents about his school. I said sure. He already knew who Spiderman is, even before he met me, and he knew where we lived, so I figured it would be fine. And I might actually try out his school. It might be fun to meet some people my age with powers.


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