The Spider's Daughter chapter 27

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Hey, y'all! Wuzzup? Sorry for the wait. I got on the wrong side of my parents, and my typing time and internet usage are a bit limited right now. It will be a while till I get my next chapter up, but I hope you enjoy!


Chapter 27

"Wow." I said. "That was great, Shawnee!"

We were walking away from the Professor's class, after yet another grueling mental training session. School had been in session for about two weeks now, and we'd had the Professor's class every day. Today, Shawnee had popped right in front of our enemy, one that morphed against our powers, creating our own perfect enemy. Shawnee had popped as it was shifting, kicked it in the eye, and gave us enough time to kill it.

"It was nothing. Easy-peasy." She waved the praise off as we walked down the stairs.

In the grand entry hall, I stopped and stared.

"Dad. What are you doing here?"

My classmates stopped around me.

"Can't I see my daughter?"

"Um, I guess. Dad you already know Jake and Shawnee, and this is Rogue, Bobby, and Kitty."

"Pleased to meet you." he said as he climbed the few steps between is and shook their hands. "You three are already X-Men, right?"

They nodded. Bobby stepped forward. "It's nice to finally meet you Mr. Parker. We've met before, but only informally and in costume."

"Yes, I remember." Dad said, smiling at the memory. "Now, why don't you show me around, May?"

"Sure. Uh, see you later guys."

"See ya!" Shawnee said, giving a little wave and popping out. Jake smiled, and walked away, and Rogue, Kitty, and Bobby went their separate ways.

"So, that's the Danger Room?"

"Yeah. There's a class in session right now, but maybe later we can have a go."

"That'd be fun. Where to now?"

"Well, that's pretty much the whole school." I had shown him the school from top to bottom, inside and out. We had visited the stables, the garden, my room, the cafeteria, the assembly hall, the library, the classrooms, and so much more. I'd lost track of it all.

"Dad? I'm hungry. You wanna go get lunch?"

"Sure. Back to the cafeteria?"

I nodded, smiling at his expression. I couldn't quite make out the exact emotion, but it was kind of funny.

Back upstairs, we walked through the empty halls. Dad looked around.

"I'm not keeping you from your classes, am I?"

"Nah. Our last class is the one with the Prof. Everyone's probably outside."


The cafeteria was almost empty when we came in. Only Logan was there, sitting back in a tall chair at the island, drinking a beer. He stood up when we came in.

"Hey. You must be Peter. I'm Logan."

"Nice to meet you." Dad offered his hand, but Logan didn't take it. He was like that.

"So... You teach...?"

"Danger Room. May's pretty good."

"Uh, thanks."

"Well, I'll get out of your hair."

He walked out the door with his usual swagger, letting the door slam behind him.

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