The Spider's Daughter: Chapter 30

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Yay! Finally! I got 10 votes! So here it is: the promised final chapter. Enjoy!


Chapter 30


I cuddled Ben Parker to my chest. His brilliant blue eyes stared out at me from under a remarkable head of black hair.

He cooed and waved his hands at me face. I smiled at Mom, who was laying on the hospital bed on my right.

"He's so cute!"

"I think he looks like Peter."

I looked from my little baby brother to my father standing at my mom's side.

"Nah, Dad's chubbier."

Dad laughed, and tickled little Ben's tummy. Ben squealed, and I cuddled him closer. A knock sounded at the door, and Uncle Harry came in. He looked at Mom and Dad's intertwined hands and grinned, probably at some past memory.

"I here there's a new spider in town. Can he spare the time to see his old Uncle Goblin?"

I smiled. I loved how Uncle Harry didn't try to hide his secret from me. Now that I knew, I knew it all. No more secrets.

He came over, setting the flowers in his hands on the bedside table.

"Wow, he's cute. What's his name?"

"Benjamin." Mom and Dad said together.

"May and Ben. Now where have I heard those names before?"

Dad smiled sadly. I had only known my Grandma May when I was very little, before I even knew Dad was Spiderman. She had died when I was five years old. Grandpa Ben had died before my parents had even started dating.

Harry knelt down next to me, looking at the little boy cradled in my arms. Ben giggled and reached for Uncle Harry. He smiled, and let Ben wrap his hand around his finger.

For the moment, I was May Parker, not at all Spidergirl. I sat with my family, happy with our new family member.

Until I heard an alert on the radio playing in the background. A hostage situation. I looked to Dad, and he smiled. Spidergirl was once again present.

"We'll be back soon." Dad said to Mom.

"I'll come too." Uncle Harry stood next to us, pulling his collar down to show us that he was wearing his goblin armor under his clothes. He winked at me with his good eye, and I smiled.

"You've got your board in your car?"

"Yup. Actually, I never go anywhere without it."

We walked out the door together.

Ten minutes later, we were flying over the city. Harry stood on his board, and we swung around him.

My whole life I had wanted to fly with my father. I had never considered the responsibilities and burdens that came with it. But I had gained the powers, and learned the hard way about the bad parts of power.

But I had to admit, the benefits outweighed the bad things.

Who was I? It was hard to say. I was May Parker, daughter of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson. But I was also Spidergirl, daughter of Spiderman.

Us heroes have a hard job. But with great power, comes great responsibility. That was the rule of my life. The words I lived by.

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