The Spider's Daughter chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I lay on the bed, staring up at the dark ceiling. Jake would be here tomorrow. Cas was sleeping on the floor next to the bed, and from the sound of her snores, she was sleeping soundly. I sighed, and rolled over. I stared out he dark window. Light flashed through it as a car drove by. I closed my eyes and tried once again to go to sleep.

In the morning, I woke up feeling a little tired. It had taken me forever to get to sleep last night. But I could operate on very little sleep. Once, I had stayed up all night, then went to school. Cas and Jacky mentioned the rings under my eyes, but I was fine, and I still did all my school work.

I sighed. Why was I thinking about this now? I shook my head and focused on my breakfast. Waffles. Yum. I dug in, and Mom came into the dining room from the kitchen. "So, May. When's your boyfriend coming over?" I choked, and Cas pounded on my back.

I coughed a couple more times, then took a deep breath. Mom looked amused.

"He's coming over at about eleven."

"Well, then, you should probably get dressed. It's ten thirty. You want him to see you in PJs?"

I rolled my eyes. "Mom, he's seen me in my suit."

"Go get dressed, May. You too Cas."

We stomped upstairs. Well, I stomped. Cas was as happy as ever. We got dressed quickly, and I stepped into the bathroom. Butterflies flew suicide missions into the walls of my stomach, and I leaned over the sink. I couldn't do this. Jake was perfect, but he was my first real boyfriend. I took a shaky breath. Mom and Dad would be surprised, Cas would be amazed, and I? I would probably trip and embarrass myself. If I could trip. My spider-sense usually wouldn't let me.

I took another breath and walked out of the bathroom, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. I looked at the clock. Eleven.

"Come on." I said, motioning to he back door. Cas looked confused. She didn't know about his wings. In a few minutes, I heard a whooshing sound. Jake.

Two minutes later, Jake swooped down and landed in our yard. Mom and Dad weren't surprised. They had seen far stranger things. Cas, on the other hand, was shocked.

"Mom, Dad, this is Jake. Jake, this is my mom and dad. This is my friend Cas. Cas? This is Jake." he shook hands with my dad, and waved to Cas. She looked like she was about to faint. I smiled. "Come on in, Jake." Jake followed me in, and my parents followed him. Cas stayed rooted to the lawn for a little while, before running to catch up.

"Jake, tell us about yourself." Mom said.

"Well, my dad is Angel. Obviously, I got his powers." He shuffled his wings. "Umm... I like flying, basketball, and spiders." he grinned at me. Mom laughed, then gave me a look.

"Uh, Jake? Do you want to go see a movie? Mom suggested it, and I thought it'd be a good idea..."

He shrugged. "Sure. A movie would be fun. But maybe I should hide my wings. Mutants aren't exactly... Um... The most welcome. And unless you're on the screen, spandex isn't really what you wear to the movies."

Dad motioned to the stairs. "I think il be able to find some clothes that fit you. But what about your wings?"

"I've got a harness thing that I use." he said as they walked up the stairs. A few minutes later, Jake came back down with my dad. He was wearing jeans and a T-shirt, and his wings were pulled tightly against his back. Aside from a smal hunch, he looked like an average human being. Well, besides looking super-cute. Or hot. Or whatever. He looked like an angel.

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