The Spider's Daughter chapter 29

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Hey, y'all! So, I'm sad! On the last two chapters, I haven't gotten many votes! ;-( So for this chapter, I'm gonna ask for, say, 10 votes for the next, and last, one. Sounds fair? Thanks!



Chapter 29

I thought back, and got up from my bed. It was almost lunch time, and I was reading a bit while I still had time.

I knocked on the door. "Come in, May."

The heavy wood opened before me, and I walked into the Professor's office. He sat in his wheelchair behind the large wood desk.

"What is it?" I asked. He smiled.

"Your father has asked that you have some time off. Until the baby is born, anyways."

"Okay." It didn't seem like nine months ago, that day when Dad told me that Mom was pregnant, but time passed quickly. The baby was due in three days. It still didn't seem real to me.

"I'll give you money for the bus. Can you be ready by tonight?"

"Yup. I've gotten ready in an hour, I'm sure I'll be able to get ready by tonight."

He nodded, and I knew I had been dismissed. I walked out the door and shut it softly behind me. My spider-sense buzzed. I jumped to the left, and Shawnee popped in where I had been standing. Jake was clinging to her arm.

"Let's not do that again." he said. He looked pale. I had to laugh. I knew what it felt like to teleport with Shawnee. It wasn't a very pleasant experience.

"So," he said, stepping away from our blue friend. "what did he want?"

"Well, my mom's due in three days, so Dad asked if I could take off school until the baby is born."

"Thar was nice of the Professor to let you."

I nodded. "So I've got to pack. I'm leaving tonight."

Shawnee hugged me. "I'll miss you."

I laughed. "I'm not leaving yet."

"I know."

We started down the hall. Shawnee walked on my left, and Jake walked on my right. We held hands. I leaned on his shoulder, thinking about babies, and things like that. I had decided a while back that Jake was probably the one for me. We were only in high school, but I didn't really care. He was nice, funny, and smart. We fit together.

I smiled at the thought of spending our lives together.

Okay, now I was sounding corny.

We walked together into the cafeteria. Adrian, a telepath, like the Professor but not nearly as strong, beckoned us from a table across the room.

"Up for a little competition?" I asked Jake. He looked and saw Adrian, then winced. Adrian made no secret his like of me. If it weren't for Jake, I might have liked him. But Jake was here, and Jake was mine.

The three of us sat down next to the boy. His black hair flopped in his black eyes, and his dark skin contrasted the bright white of his smile.

"So, how are you doing?"


And that was the end of our conversation. I started eating, and Shawnee thankfully distracted him. I gave her a grateful smile, and she made an evil face back.

I leaned against Jake, and ignored Adrian's angry glare. I sighed. Would I end up being one of those girls like in those stories, part of a love triangle, with an impossible choice to make?

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