The Spider's Daughter chapter 26

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Chapter 26

"Welcome. Please sit down." the Professor gestured to the three unoccupied chairs in front of his desk. Kitty, Rogue, and Bobby were in the other three. Jake, Shawnee, and I sat down.

"In this class we will do training exercises, for many different things. You three" he said, gesturing to the older students, "Have done this before and know what we're going to do. Please explain to the others."

We looked at each other.

"Um, lets pair off?" suggested Shawnee, and I nodded.

"'Kay, Jake, I'll work win you." Bobby said.

"I'll help Shawnee." Kitty offered.

"So that leaves us, Spidey." Rogue said.

"Okay then. Let's get started."

Rogue and I turned our chairs so we were facing each other.

"Um... The Professor teaches this class, obviously, but it's a special class. He links us mentally, and we train in our imaginations. He'll create a scene or landscape, and an objective, and we have to complete it."

"So, it's like Danger Room practice, but we can't get hurt."

"Sort of. But in this, we could fight on the moon, complete with the lower gravity. It's all in our heads, so anything can happen."

"Like, what kind of anything."

"I could touch someone and not hurt them. Sometimes, we don't have any powers."

"Oh. Hmm... Does only the Professor create things?"

"Most of the time, but occasionally, he'll let us test our imaginations."

"Okay, you've covered just about everything. Let's get started."

And everything went black.

<Jake, Shawnee, May, this is your first lesson in a mental training ground.>

The world swirled. Ground appeared, along with Kitty, Rogue, Bobby, Jake, and Shawnee. The Professor was there too, but he wasn't in his wheelchair. He was standing up, and he was taller than any of us.

"Yes, I can stand here. In my imagination, my legs can still work."

I nodded. It made sense.

"Right now, I'd like our new members to try imagining things. Try to conjure something up."

I thought. What could I conjure? Something to do with spiders, maybe? Or... I smiled, and concentrated.

Shawnee was successful first. She held out her hand to show us a little clear bubble, full of swirling mists and colors.

"Interesting... Good job."

I concentrated again, imagining every little detail, every seam, until-

"Very good May!"

I looked down to see that my clothes had been exchanged for my suit. I smiled when I saw the mask in my gloved hand. I focused on it, and it disappeared. I wouldn't need I now.

Then Jake finished. His was a ball of light, cupped in his fingers.

"Good. Light is hard to conjure, for some reason, and even harder to make touchable. Very good, all of you. Rogue, Kitty, Bobby, why don't you show us how much you remember?"

They nodded, and began creating. They all finished about the same time.

Rogue lifted herself off the ground in a bubble of no gravity.

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