The Spider's Daughter chapter 6

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Wow. This story is getting long... Still. I've got a lot more planned!


Chapter 6

Two weeks later:

"See you tomorrow, Professor X!"

"Goodbye, May."

I slung my bag over my back and walked out the door. The past two weeks had been... Eventful, to say the least. The Danger Room sessions were a lot of fun, and I honed my skills as I never could have fighting in the streets. I made new friends, the best of which were Shawnee and Jake. We worked well as a team, cooperating without hardly any words, understanding who had to be where, and what needed to be done.

I also met all of the X-Men, who were our teachers. Wolverine (a.k.a. Logan), was our Danger Room teacher/supervisor. Angel (a.k.a. Warren Worthington III, Jake's dad), taught math. Phoenix (a.k.a. Jean Gray), taught physics. Beast (a.k.a. Henry McCoy), taught chemistry and science. Cyclopes (a.k.a. Scott Summers), taught history. Nightcrawler, (a.k.a. Kurt Wagner, Shawnee's dad), taught some of our Danger Room sessions. Colossus (a.k.a. Peter Rasputin), taught mechanics and pretty mugh all the outdoors stuff. Gambit (a.k.a. Remy LeBeau), Iceman (a.k.a. Bobby Drake), Shadowcat (a.k.a. Kitty Pryde) and Rogue (a.k.a. Marie Darkholme), didn't really do anything. They just hang out, and act as subs every so often. They also go on missions for the Professor. They all do that.

On the weekends, I head home, and I swing with my dad. Then Mom and I'll go out and do something, or maybe just stay home and watch a movie. We have fun, and we were closer than ever.

It was Monday, and I was back in school, running from my class with the Professor to the Danger Room. I had a class scheduled in two minutes, and I didn't want to be late. I couldn't use webs in the halls. After about an hour, they dissolved into dust, and indoors, that left a big mess. So I jumped, taking twenty feet with every leap. The elevator was slow, and I couldn't make it go any faster, but I made it in barely enough time to put on my suit. Shawnee and Jake were already there, and as I got my suit on, Shawnee briefed me on today's mission. We had to extract a suitcase from a heavily guarded facility. I burst out of the stall, and I raced across the hall with Shawnee. The Danger Room doors opened, and the three of us, two almost X-Men and Spiderman's daughter, walked through, ready to do the job expected of us. Ready to train.

Two and a half hours later:

"Aw, man, that was a hard one! My back is killing me!" we had just finished our Danger Room session, and Shawnee was in a bad mood. Halfway through, she had been shot. The guards didn't shoot real bullets, because the point of these lessons was to learn, not die. A guard shot at me, and the rubber bullet managed to fly strait to where Shawnee teleported. An unlucky hit, but a hit all the same. Shawnee was taken out of the game, and without her, it took a lot longer to get the case. Jake and I managed, though, and we both came out sweaty and tired.

We had fun, though. We always do.

"Hey, May, you want to watch a movie tonight?" Jake asked me as we were walking up the stairs to our rooms to change and take showers before our next class.

"Sure. Should I ask Shawnee...?"

Jake looked nervous. "I was kinda thinking it could be just you and me... Ah... sort of a... date." he mumbled. His face was beet red, and it felt like mine was too.

"Um, okay. When?"

"How about the south lounge, maybe at seven?" he asked, still red, and looking anywhere but at me. I was the same.

"WorksformeSeeyouthen!" And I hurried to my room, closing the door, still blushing furiously.

I held the scissors up to examine them in the light. They weren't quite as sharp as the ones I had at home, but they'd do. I draped the towel over my shoulders, and started snipping. I was overdue for a haircut. It was starting to stick out the bottom of my mask when I put it on, and that was really annoying and itchy. When I was halfway through, someone knocked on my door. "Come in, it's open!"

Shawnee burst through the door, then burst out laughing when she saw me. I started giggling too, when I looked in the mirror. Half of my hair was cut, and the other half still brushed my shoulder.

"Here, let me finish for you." I gave Shawnee the scissors, and she started snipping at my hair. "You know, this'll look really cute. Do you usually keep it short?"

She was referring to the fact that it was REALLY short in the back. In the front, it was long enough to tuck behind my ears.

"It looks sort of... Punk." Shawnee said when she finished. I shrugged, and dumped the towel on the floor. I'd clean it up later. Now it was time for dinner. We walked down the halls together, brushing shoulders. I felt like I'd known Shawnee all my life, not just two weeks. Cas had been emailing me, but we were growing apart. I did hope she wouldn't spill my secret. But even if we weren't the closest of friends she'd stay loyal.

Dinner was uneventful. I was waiting for tonight. Jake... Well, Jake was awesome. He was so kind, and generous. Okay, now I sound like a mushy romance book. But the thing is, I hadn't really thought about Jake that way until he asked me out earlier. Now, he was almost all I could think about. His blonde hair, his blue eyes, his beautiful white wings... Agh! I was being mushy again! I snapped my thoughts back to the present to hear Shawnee describing our mission to a few other people.

"I got shot, but Logan let me watch the rest from the control room. May and Jake were great!" I blushed a little, and let my attention wander, knowing I wasn't needed in the conversation.

At ten to seven, I headed out to the south lounge. When I got there, Jake was looking at the movies on the shelf below the TV. When he heard me, he looked up.

"Wow, May, you look gorgeous." he said as he stood up. I blushed, and walks to the sofa. "What are we watching?"

"I was going to let you choose." He was such a gentleman...

"No, you go ahead and choose. I don't care." And I didn't. I liked action movies more than the chick flicks. Maybe it was because of having a superhero father...

Jake chose a movie, and put it in. He sat on the couch next to me, but on the other side. The opening credits rolled.

"Before time began, there was the cube." Hmm. Transformers. I smiled. This was one my mom hated, so Dad watched it with me. Of course, he liked it, and so did I, but I hadn't seen it since I was twelve. I couldn't really remember it.

Ah hour and a half later, the movie ended. Halfway through, I had scooted closer to Jake. Close to the end, I rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me. When it was over, we sat there for a little while, just enjoying being next to each other. After a while, we got up. I folded the blanket we had used, and he put the movie away and cleaned up the popcorn. Without talking, we walked back to our rooms.

Before I went inside, he called be back. We stood in front of each other, and I looked up at him. He looked into my eyes, and for some reason, I felt like blushing. He brushed his finger along my cheek bone, and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. My heart sped up, and time slowed a bit. Jake leaned forward.


So? What do you think? And sorry for the cliffhanger! ^.^

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