The Spider's Daughter chapter 19

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I think I'm going a little bit overboard... But who cares?!? ^.^



Chapter 19

"Ob no." Mom gasped. I looked up from my cereal to see her drop a letter onto the table.

"What is it, MJ?" Dad beat me to it.

"Yeah, what Mom?"

"It's from the school. May needs to have a physical."

I frowned. School started in two weeks. "Yeah, so what? I've gotten them before."

Dad jumped in. "Yeah, before you had powers."

"So? It's not like they're taking blood. It's just a physical."

"And what about when they find this?" He asked, grabbing my hand and showing the make on my wrist.

"It's a scar."

"On both wrists? Exactly the same?" Mom asked, and I realized she was right. There were lots of little things that marked me as different. Like my super muscle mass, and the small hairs on my hands and feet that allowed me to cling to walls.

"So, now what?"

Dad sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Lets go to Reed. Remember he asked if we needed a physical when you first met him?"

"Yeah, but was he being serious? And he's not a medical doctor."

Dad sighed again. "No, but he's all we've got."

Two hours later, Dad and I walked into the Baxter Building.

"Welcome to the Baxter Building! May I help you?" the guy at the front desk asked.

"Yes, we're here to see Reed Richards." Dad said before I could warn him.

"Yeah, and so is everyone else." Dad frowned, and I smiled.

"Pete!" someone shouted, and Johnny walked out of the elevator. "Reed sent me down to get you. Hi, May."

We followed him up, past the annoyed manat the desk, into Reed's lab. Weird mechanical gizmos. hummed and whirred as we followed Johnny into a small side room.

"- and this will work?" a familiar voice asked.

"It should. It's not quite what I'd like it to be, but it should suit your purposes." Reed said as we entered. He was holding one end of a wire cable, and Tony Stark was holding the other end.

"Well," he said, looking over at us. "Hello, May, Peter. What're you doing here?"

"I could ask the same of you." I replied, and he laughed.

"Reed's just showing me a new metal alloy that he thinks I might need for a project I'm working on. We're... Business partners, of a sort."

I nodded. Two insanely rich smart guys working together. Made sense.

Dad looked from me to Stark. "You guys know each other?"

"Yeah, we met at the party." Stark replied. "Hey, Pete, you're pretty smart. Why don't you help us out on this? We want to see if we can make it any stronger or more flexible."

"Sure. I've got time." Dad said, and I stopped paying attention. They would go on for hours. I could walk away and find something to do, and they wouldn't care. I drifted back out to the main room, examining all the machines. I was into biology more than mechanics, but they were still fun to look at.

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