The Spider's Daughter chapter 25

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Wow! Chapter 25 already! Sorry it's taken me so long to post. I've been buisy. But, despite the delay, I hope you enjoy!


Chapter 25

My suitcase landed on the bed with a thump. I was back in my room at the Professor's school. I sighed and yawned. I had been out late last night with my dad, swinging one last time before I left. I'd be back in a week, but I missed the city.

"May! You're here!" someone screeched, and I was tackled onto my bed.

"Wow, Shawnee! You must've really been moving! It's hard to tackle me!" I didn't tell her I let her hit me.

She giggled. "You avoided a pillow in your sleep. I know I'd never hit you. You let me hit you!" she accused, and I didn't deny it.

"The Professor moved me, you know. My room's next to yours now!"


"And Jake's down the hall."

I only blushed. Shawnee grinned evilly.

<Students, please come to the assembly hall.> the Professor called mentally.

We looked at each other and started out the door. People were flowing down the halls, and we joined them. I spotted a very familiar pair of white wings.

"Jake!" I called when we got closer. He turned around and a smile lit his face.

"Hey! The Prof. told me you were coming back! How's it going?"

"Eh. Okay. Cas convinced her mom to let her stay home, so I'll be able to see her. Mom and Dad are glad to get me off the streets." I said with a smile.

"Yeah, my dad hates it when I'm on the streets." he replied, showing off his white teeth.

Shawnee poked us on the shoulders, and we looked over at her.

"We should probably get moving. We're gonna be late!" I looked around startled. Everyone was gone.

"Let's go." Jake said, and we turned toward the assembly hall.

We got there just in time. We stood in the back. All the seats were full, except a few in the front, and we didn't want to broadcast our lateness to the whole school.

The Professor wheeled out onto the stage. "Good morning. Welcome back, to those of you who left over Christmas. As some of you know, Kayla Foster, a student here, died over the break."

I sucked in a breath. If I had known that the assembly was going to be about Kayla, I would have stayed late. I bit my lip, fighting back tears. This happened every time I thought of my one time enemy.

<I am sorry, May.> the Prof. whispered to me as he continued his speech. <I can see having you come was a mistake. Feel free to go.>

Jake reached for my hand. It wasn't enough though. I practically tackled him, clinging to his chest. "Let's go." he whispered, and I nodded. Shawnee followed us out. She had tears in her eyes.

"Let's go get something to eat." Jake said as he led me toward the kitchen. I followed blindly. I was waging my own personal war against the tears struggling to push out of my eyes.

Jake sat me down on a barstool, and I finally managed to fight the tears away. I blinked my eyes and took a deep breath, watching as Jake pulled some ice cream out of the freezer.

"You like cherry chocolate chip?"

I nodded. He pulled three bowls out of a cupboard and scooped ice cream into each of them. He handed one to me, one to Shawnee, and kept one for himself. We ate in silence.

"Y'know, every time I think about her, it gets easier." I said quietly. Jake stared, shocked I could say something like that after my breakdown in the assembly. Shawnee patted my shoulder.

"That's how it is. It'll get easier."

"But I feel guilty about getting over it."

"Don't." Jake replied. "She chose her path. You could have done nothing to stop her."

I smiled weakly and continued eating my cherry chocolate chip ice cream.

I knew they were right. I still couldn't help but feel guilty.

<May? Please come to my office.>

"Sorry guys. The Prof. just called. I'll be back in a bit."

I set off down the hall, heading for the Professor's study.

"Come in." he said before I knocked.

"Jeeze, Professor, that's creepy."

He smiled faintly. "May, this year you will have two classes with me. One of them will be the same as last year, and the other will be with Jake, Shawnee, Kitty, Bobby, and Rogue. You and your friends are advanced enough to join in with the class we already have been having. It's a training class. You will see how we do it tomorrow."

"Um... Why did you call me and not Jake and Shawnee?"

"I thought you could tell them. Anyways, I had to give them time to talk about you." There was a twinkle in his eye.

"'Kay. See you tomorrow, Professor."

"Goodbye, May."

The door closed softly behind me and I set off to find my friends.

"Are you alright May?" Jake asked when I finally found him.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Um, you sort of had a breakdown in the middle of the Prof's speech."

"I'm fine Jake. I'm still getting over her. Give me time."

"Okay..." he said uncertainly, while Shawnee giggled softly. I suppose I could have worded that better.

"What did the Professor want?" Shawnee cut in.

"We're going to have a class with him, Kitty, Rogue, and Bobby. Some kind of training thing, he said."

"Ah. So why did he only call you?"

"Oh, we had to give you some time to analyze my breakdown." I said brightly.

They looked at each other and I laughed. This was going to be a fun year!


You know what I just noticed? Kayla's gone. No more bad guy. So I need your guyses opinions. Should I end this story soon, and start up another one with a new bad guy, or should I just continue this one, and have a new bad guy stick his nose where it's gonna get bloodied? I think I'd like to continue this one, but it might be easier if I start a new one. So wha'd'ya think?

And it'd be nice if you would comment and vote on this chapter too! Thanks!

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