The Spider's Daughter chapter 15

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Chapter 15

They say New York is the city that never sleeps. In some places, that's true. In others, when darkness falls, so comes sleep. I wasn't in one of those places. I was in a crowded, noisy road, shoving my way through the multitudes of people. I was on my way to meet Shawnee and Jake. We were going to see a movie. If I could ever get to them, that is! Didn't these people ever MOVE? I pushed my way past two women when my spider-sense went off. Danger? Here? Now? I looked for a place to stick my clothes and swing out in... My underwear. I didn't have my suit! Dang it! I had left it at home, thinking I wouldn't need it! Shoot!

My spider-sense buzzed harder, and I cheated a little as I slipped through the crowd, using a bit of super-strength and spider-agility. I heard a scream, and turned back.



It couldn't be!


A fiery comet streaked down from the sky. Kayla.

"I've found you, Parker! You can't hide!" She hissed violently. A fire-coated fist slammed into my stomach, and sent me flying into the air. People screamed, but the distance that Kayla's fist had carried me muted the noise.

Kayla's fiery form hovered in front of me. Apparently, she had learned how to fly. Perfect. "Why don't you save yourself, Parker? Oh right! I forgot! You are POWERLESS without your costume!" she sneered. I took off, batting at the flames that had sprung up on my stomach.

I may not have my costume on, but I can still fly! I stayed up, away from the people and the lights. Unfortunately, Kayla seemed to be drawing a lot of attention. I pushed myself harder when a fireball flew past my nose. I couldn't afford to be hit by one of those. Not without my suit. I remembered what Dad said about thinking in tough circumstances, and realized I wasn't thinking right now. I was just flying. I set my brain to work.

The river! Kayla was fire, and fire can't go through water! Why didn't I think about it before? I set my new course, and Kayla followed. I saw it ahead. Water. I made one last tremendous leap, and the cold water enveloped me. I kept my eyes closed. No telling what was in this water. When my lungs started to itch, I swam to the surface. I broke through to the air quietly, exhaled, and took a breath.

Fire hissed over my head. I gasped one more deep breath, and dove. The water rushed past my ears. My heart beat. I swam for the surface again. I barely had time to breathe before fire once again flared up over me. I was forced to dive again. And again. She was trying to wear me out. I couldn't keep this up much longer. The lack of air and the cold were getting to me. Sure, I can hold my breath longer than any human, but this was taking it too far.

Blood rushed in my ears. I could feel myself losing ground in the battle to stay awake. I was also fighting to stay under the water, yet another losing battle. In a couple more seconds, I was completely overtaken by the grasping fingers of sleep. I felt my body relax, and I didn't care. I was so tired...

"-oud be awake in a little bit." The feminine voice sounded sort of foggy. I struggled to wake up all the way, trying to pull myself away from the black grip of sleep. "She was lucky she was found. I'm not sure what that mutie wanted from your daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Parker, but she's lucky she survived."

"May is smart and strong." Okay. I recognized that voice. What was Mom doing here? Now that I think about it, where is here? "She'll pull through."

"I'm sure she will. I'll be back shortly."

Heels clicked on a polished tile floor.

I felt something touch my hand. Dad sighted. "MJ, what do you think happened?"

I groaned. I struggled to open my eyes. When I succeeded, I almost had to close them again. Owww... Why did it have to be so bright? They finally adjusted, and I looked around. Dad was pacing. Mom was sitting by my bedside, holding my hand. I was in the hospital?

"What happened?" I croaked. Mom smiled sadly.

"You were found on the side of the river. The doctors found your wallet and drivers license, and called us. That was last night. It's..." she looked at the walls, then her wrist. "Two forty five."

"Can we go home? Hospitals smell funny."

"We'll go home as soon as possible. You just rest."

I nodded weakly and let my heave eyelids close. I remembered one thing before sleep claimed me. "Rats... I missed church..." I said as I drifted off. I think I heard Dad chuckle.

Three days later:

"Oh, it's so good to be home!" I walked slowly up the driveway. The fight with Kayla had taxed me more than I liked to admit. I would still be forced to stay home for a few days. Normally, I would be protesting, but I needed a rest.

My room was just a I had left it. I collapsed on my bed, closing my eyes. "See you in the morning, May."

"Nite Dad." Okay, technically not night, but I was sleeping. What else was I supposed to say? Yet again sleep dragged me under, and blackness enveloped me.

Two days later:

I was finally allowed to swing again! I convinced my mom that I was actually safer in the suit, seeing as how it is fireproof. But, she had insisted I wear the black suit. Cause it was even more fireproof than the other one. I wore it, even though I liked the bright red and brilliant blue of my regular one.

But black suited me, I had to admit. I could blend into the shadows more easily, and criminals seemed to fear this black Spidergirl even more than they did the original. I wasn't really sure if that was good or not, but for now, I didn't care. I could swing!

Kayla hadn't shown her face since almost drowning me (which is actually pretty ironic, if you think about it. I mean, she controls fire, and she almost drown me?). I wondered what hole she had crawled into, but that was just idle thought. I really didn't care. She'd show up when she showed up. I couldn't do anything to slow or speed up the process.

Right now, I couldn't care less about where Kayla was. I was perched on one of the tallest buildings by the water, watching the sun set over the horizon. Alone, clinging to the building, my black shadow stretching out behind me, I smiled. Soon, darkness would be setting in. Time for the spiders to come out to play. Until then, I was happy right here, enjoying the last of the sun's rays before it sank below the horizon.


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