The Spider's Daughter chapter 28

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wow! We're getting close to the end! I decided to end this one and start up a sequel. Only a few more chapters for this one. *snif, snif* then I'll start up a new one.

Sorry it's taken me so long to get thus up! Almost a whole week! ;( to make up for it, this one's a bit longer!



Chapter 28

The door hissed closed behind us, and I watched as the holographic image sprung up. Dad stood next to me, and my friends were gathered behind.

We were in the city. I high-fived my Dad. They had put the spiders in their natural habitat. This wasn't quite New York, but the tall buildings made up for it. I smiled at my friends. That were already grinning.

"What's the objective?" Dad asked. I shrugged.

"We'll fing out soon enough. Let's go!" I shot a web and took off. I hadn't been able to swing in the city for... Okay, less than a week, but it felt like longer. This was my world. I had SO missed it.

After not even ten seconds in the air, my spider-sense went off. High above the streets, I twisted my body in mid-air, shooting off a couple new webs to change my direction.

What in the world was that?

I stopped, and clung got he side of a building. A missile? Where in the world did that come from? Or maybe I should have said where in the Danger Room.

"Oh shoot." I launched myself off the building, arcing through the air, until I landed on the building across the street. I shook my head again, and shot a web. I swung back to my father and friends, landing right in front of them.

"Umm... It's some kind of giant robot."

"Giant robot? Can't they come up with something a little more original?" Shawnee asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Since when do they worry about originality?"

"You've got a point there." Kitty remarked. "'Kay, let's move out. Spiders, Jake, why don't you get an aerial view, tie it up a bit. The rest of us will follow on the ground?"

"Sounds good." Bobby said, and proceeded to make an ice trail, which he skated along. Kitty and Rogue followed. Shawnee popped out, and Jake took to the air.

"Ready Dad?"

"As I'll ever be."

We completed the ritual by pulling our masks on, and we took off. We had traveled down so many streets together that we knew how the other worked. Actually, our styles were much the same. I was a faster than him, and he was stronger than me, but we worked together flawlessly. We rounded the corner to see the robot taking a giant chunk out of a building. Shards of glass floated through the air like confetti, along with humongous chunks of cement and huge metal poles, that fell like... Well, giant chunks of cement and huge metal poles.

I smiled under my mask, and I could tell Dad was doing the same. We flew.

I twisted to avoid a falling hunk of debris.

Dad shot a web, and it hissed past me.

I shot my own web, and swung.

My web hit his, making a cross almost eighty stories above the ground. Our directions changed, and we swung around each other, our webs wrapping up into one.

We gained momentum with ever turn. I watched my Dad, and he watched me. Our spider-senses helped us avoid debris. When we were only about ten feet away from each other, Dad nodded. The grin under my mask stretched wider. I waited a moment, then let go.

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