The Spider's Daughter chapter 12

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You guys haven't commented on my last chapter :( but I wanted to post this one anyways. I wrote it, and I couldn't resist!


Chapter 12

"Hi Reed."

"Hi, May, what are you doing here? I thought you were at Xavier's school."

"Yeah, I was. And I still haven't been reregistered at the high school." I said climbing through the window.

"What did you do to he suit?" Hmm. It seemed he didn't like the black suit.

"Well, that's part of the reason I left. A girl who could control fire went psycho, and attacked me. Thanks to your suit, I survived, but it came out like this." I motioned to the black fabric. "Here," I said, lifting the web bag of my clothes. "Let me change and you can examine it."

Reed showed me to a bathroom, and I stripped the black suit off. As I pulled on my clothes, Arachne slipped through my hair.

[That was the scientist?]

"Yeah. Reed."

[He will help?]

"Hmm? Yeah."

I walked back out with the suit in my hands.

A few minutes later, Reed pulled away from the table. "Well, May, that was quite a fight you were in. This was burned in almost supernova temperatures. Any hotter, and you could have died. Now, however, the suit looks like it can withstand any temperature, even over supernova. But, it isn't as strong. You'd be more vulnerable to bullets and knives."

"So, you're saying that now it's even more fireproof, but it's not bulletproof?"

"Exactly. So, if you ever have to fight the fire girl again, I suggest you wear this." I nodded.

"Hey, Reed? Would you mind making me another regular suit? And if you could give me a little radio, my mom would really appreciate it. She worries."

He smiled. "Actually, I just finished another suit. It's stronger, and it should be more comfortable. But it isn't as strong against fire as your old one. And for the radios, I can work something out." He smiled.

Impulsively, I gave him a hug. "Thanks, Reed! Your the best."

"Er... Thanks May."

I grabbed my new suit and the radios then left. In ten minutes, I had dropped off my old suit at home, hidden my clothes, given my mom the radio, and was swinging high. I landed on the Daily Bugle building, and waited for Dad. A little after two, he came out. I followed him to an alley, where he pulled off his clothes to reveal the Spidey suit underneath. He pulled on his mask and gloves and jumped up next to me. "Sure feels good to get out here. And please, do tell, why are you here, and where did you get the suit?"

"I'm here because Mom hasn't enrolled me in high school yet, and I got the suit from Reed. I wanted to try it out. Care to join me?"

He chuckled, and jumped away. I took that as a yes, and followed him.

One week later:

"So, do I ever get to meet your new boyfriend?" Cas asked. It was my Friday, and Cas loved having her superhero best friend back in town.

"Yes, Cas," I sighed. "You'll meet him tomorrow. I told you, he's flying down in the morning."

"But I don't get it! He's only a little ways away! Why is he flying? How is he flying?"

"You'll see!" I couldn't wait to see her face when she saw Jake. That would be a day to remember. We walked together down the halls, heading toward the busses. When we passed the last bathroom, I pulled away. "See you later?" I asked pleadingly.

Cas sighed and rolled her eyes. "Go swing girl. I'll meet you at seven tonight." She was sleeping over, something we hadn't done in years. But I missed my friend, and she wanted to meet my boyfriend.

I still couldn't get used to that word being used to describe Jake. And how did I, a lowly spider, snag an angel? Arachne quivered in my hair as I closed the bathroom door behind me.

[You were thinking about Wings.] Wings. It was the spiders' name for Jake. Every human, besides me, had a nickname. Jake was Wings, Cas was Friend, Shawnee was Night Sky. I thought all the names were a little funny, but I kept them to myself. Not many people would understand them, and I liked having my private little laugh.

"How do you know?"

[Your temperature and pulse goes up.]

I blushed.

[Like that.] I laughed a little.

I pulled my suit on in one of the stalls, and lifted the single window open. Anyone other than me wouldn't have been able to get out of the window. It was high up, and small. I could just barely squeeze through.

Once I was out, I swung. It was an amazing feeling, not being bound to the ground, the sensation of free falling I got between webs, the feel of the power I was exerting behind every pull, and not being exhausted by any of it. My muscles stretched and pulled, and my body arched and bent, as I made my way above the city streets. This was my world. The world of tall buildings and sky. The land of wind and noise, and the distinctive smell of the city.

I found my dad, in an alley, punching a few guys. After they were knocked out, he would string them up like flies on a web. I left, leaving him to his business, and I went to find my own.

A few minutes later, I found it. A robbery. I stopped it quickly, and hung the guys up in a spiders web on the main road. He would hang there for the world to see until the police got here. I smiled beneath my mask. I swung away quickly, grabbed an extra bag of clothes I had stashed away for just in case, and went home.


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